How is 1570 Coin worth

Discussion in 'What's it Worth' started by ice_t, Apr 23, 2010.

  1. Danielanoo

    Danielanoo Junior Member

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  3. ice_t

    ice_t Junior Member

  4. CheetahCats

    CheetahCats Colonial & Early American

    Wow. Good luck and be careful! I hope you're using a rope and always use a buddy system!
  5. ice_t

    ice_t Junior Member

    Still, we were not able to explore more on this site. Tunnel is very long, amazing and frightening feeling while inside!
  6. desertgem

    desertgem Senior Errer Collecktor Supporter

    I hope the tunnel isn't in earthquake country :) That would be heart attack time.
  7. ice_t

    ice_t Junior Member

    Can anyone give some ideas of what is the tunnel all about... Things are getting more and more complicated. We have heard a story of gold mining in our area last year. Location was 2-3 km away from our tunnel found....
  8. jonjonpatricio

    jonjonpatricio Junior Member

    1570 coin

    Hello,i was reasearcjing about the coin because i have one.was given to me by my brother from the philippines.he told me they found the coin along the beach.he told me its a gold coin.i think it looks the them as your coin except its gold.year 1570 and with seite llaves de commercea name with seven keys on it.the other side is st joseph and baby jesus on it.un peso sagrado nino san jose.i was wondering if it worth something
  9. ice_t

    ice_t Junior Member

    If you are referring to my subject, and I think you are, I don't force anyone to be amazed as well. This is a free forum for everyone. I am just sharing my current discoveries. I will still share and update to those who are following my subject.

    Hi Jonjon Patricio, can you post also your coin here?
  10. ice_t

    ice_t Junior Member

    I'm not competing anyone and definitely, I'm not making any SCAM as you are mentioning. I am just sharing, sorry, but as what I am experiencing right now amazes me because this is my first time to discover a "tunnel under 5meter deep house of ours". Hell i care if this is not sophisticated.
  11. hontonai

    hontonai Registered Contrarian

    IF it is really gold, it's worth $1179+ per troy ounce of actual gold weight. Otherwise, maybe a couple of bucks. It is not a coin.
  12. borgovan

    borgovan Supporter**

    Wow. Really?

    Look, man. If you really think you have something, contact the Smithsonian, or Heritage, or the Pope.

    You have multiple experts here telling you there's nothing impressive here. Not to mention your "cave" references are...well...weak/sad.

    If you really think you have something, then I'm sorry, but you don't.

    If you're attempting some kind of scam, then I'm sorry, but this audience is a bit more sophisticated than what you're seeking.
  13. mackwork

    mackwork Caretaker of old coins & currency

    ice - I noticed you used km rather than miles. What country are you in?
  14. FrankPlantagenet

    FrankPlantagenet New Member

  15. Cheech9712

    Cheech9712 Every thing is a guess

    Way to nice to be a 16 century coin. Really guessing on this one
  16. harley bissell

    harley bissell Well-Known Member

    He is a phillipino. English is not his native language.
  17. USCoinCollector42

    USCoinCollector42 Well-Known Member

    This thread is 8 years old...
    I doubt the OP will ever read your feedback.
  18. Cheech9712

    Cheech9712 Every thing is a guess

    Took awhile for me to think it over
  19. Bardolph

    Bardolph Active Member

    These is interesting and baffling too, but allow me to make a few comments.

    In the first place, I think the Philippines can be discarded. This is clearly not a coin, and while it does seem to have some age, the Spanish did not mint any coins whatsoever in the Philippines before 1861 when they set up a mint in Manila.

    “Peso” on this item does not refer to Peso as a coin – it is the Spanish for weight, so UN PESO SAGRADO means “a sacred weight” – a term often related to St Christopher when he is portrayed crossing a river carrying Christ on his back, but could also refer to a sacred charge or obligation.

    SENIOR is odd- it doesn’t exist in modern Spanish, but in earlier times the letter I and Y were interchangeable, so it could be SENYOR – which also doesn’t exist in Spanish, but is the Catalan form of Señor, meaning lord, or THE LORD.

    JOSEP is wrong too. Joseph in Spanish has always been José – except in Catalan, where the final P has always existed and been pronounced.

    So, could it be from Catalonia? Or a Catalan speaking area, such as the Balearic Islands? I don’t know, but it is possible.

    The only memorable event linking Spain and the New World in September was the landing in Virginia of a group of Spanish Jesuit missionaries who founded the ill-fated Ajacan mission. In the list of the priests and brother who took part in the mission, there is not one Catalan surname. But in the attached article on this subject (link below), one of the superiors who was involved in the planning or the authorization of the mission is a certain Father Rogel – a very, very Catalan-sounding surname. Looking in the local Barcelona telephone directory there are a number of families with Rogel as their surname – the nearest is only 10 minutes drive away from my home.

    Why Jesuits? As is well known, the Jesuits, even though they are subjects of different lands, t swear direct allegiance to Rome, to the Pope, and only take orders from Rome, via their hierarchical superiors. This would explain why ROME appears on the medallion

    And the seven keys? This may be a reference to the medieval story that King Solomon, who before he died, hid all his treasure, locked it up with seven keys (or seals) and gave each of his seven illegitimate sons a key and sent them off throughout the world.

    In the Renaissance however, the story seems to have been modified and importance was given to the keys, not the treasure. These were not physical keys, but spiritual or metaphysical concepts.

    The first key corresponds to certainty, the second key is coherence, the third impeccability (in the original meaning of “being without, or incapable of committing, sin”), the fourth is consideration (thinking carefully), fifth is action, sixth execution (of the action) and the seventh and last, union and unification. See the link below from a Spanish blog I have found:

    All good values for Jesuits going without military protection into an unknown territory to convert heathens…. The triangle which holds the keys may represent God, the Holy Trinity.

    So my guess is that this silver item may have been given to the Jesuit missionaries before they set off. Where would it have been made? Probably not in Havana, perhaps in Santo Domingo where a mint began operating as early as 1500, or else in Mexico.
  20. TheFinn

    TheFinn Well-Known Member

    Siete Llaves translates to Seven Keys.
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