1988 Silver Penny?

Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by fishing_guru, Aug 18, 2010.

  1. fishing_guru

    fishing_guru New Member

    I was going through a box of dimes today and came across a silver looking 1988D penny. Does anybody have a clue what this is?
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  3. joey0053

    joey0053 ZERT Operator

    It most likly is silver plated, post us a pic of the coin if you can that'll help us determine better.
  4. Treashunt

    Treashunt The Other Frank

    what joey said.

    or, .000001% (less than 1%) chance of an unplated planchet.
  5. jhinton

    jhinton Well-Known Member

    "silver" plated or someone used acid to remove the copper plating.
  6. desertgem

    desertgem Senior Errer Collecktor

  7. medoraman

    medoraman Well-Known Member

    I would vote for a chem experiment in removing the copper. Any type of acid will leach the copper off of the cent. This is a pretty popular experiment with high school classes. We would need to see the cent to see which type it was, silver plated or copper removal. Even naturally I have seen cents with copper remove when place in high acid environments, like some cleaning chemicals.
  8. 10gary22

    10gary22 Junior Member

    I find several clad cents each week that the plating is partially removed by what appears to be a chemical reaction. I am guessing that certain detergents and fabric softeners may react with them in a laundry cycle ? I bet if that is the case, the coin may have been washed more than once, or whatever causes the reaction may have been placed on the coin.

    Of course as everyone has said, an experiment of some kind.
  9. illini420

    illini420 1909 Collector

    If it's in a box of dimes, there is a decent chance it's a 1988-D penny struck on a dime planchet. Post some pics and you should also weigh the coin to see if the weight matches that of a post-1982 penny or matches that of a post-1964 dime.
  10. desertgem

    desertgem Senior Errer Collecktor

    I would bet more on a plating such as zinc on the original coin than an acid eating away the copper exposing zinc. Zinc would react with Hydrochloric acid vigorously releasing hydrogen gas, whereas copper has very little reaction. Zinc in general is more reactive than copper for acids.
  11. Prospector

    Prospector Member


    The " Chem Test" thing still has me puzzled .. how can the same theory be applied to the pre-1982 solid copper cents as the post-1982 cents? I understand the copper plating coming off on the post '82s and leaving a silverish look but the solid copper cents like this 1978 which has the same luster as a nickel from that year has me wondering.

    If it were Chem Tested wouldn't it still have a copper finish since it's solid copper?

    Attached Files:

  12. EyeEatWheaties

    EyeEatWheaties Cent Hoarder

    First get 30g of zinc sulfate and dissolve it into 100mL of water.

    You can also use zinc chloride. This can be made by mixing hydrochloric acid with zinc metal and waiting until the fizzing stops.

    Then drop in several cut strips of zinc metal.

    Heat to a boil

    add a very clean penny(s) - make sure the penny is touching the zinc strip

    Boil for five to ten minutes.

    The zinc metal dissolves and releases electrons that go into the copper Giving the coin a silvery color.
  13. Prospector

    Prospector Member

    So then the coin has the silvery color all the way through the coin?.. or can the coin be tested by cutting into it?

    If this 1978 cents is as silvery on the inside as the outside is it safe to say it could be a cent minted on a planchet
    intended for a cent but got mixed with the metal intended for a Nickel or Dime? That's what I am wondering.
    It weighs 3.1 grams as it should if copper.
  14. EyeEatWheaties

    EyeEatWheaties Cent Hoarder

    Now for the cool part. Turn your silver penny into gold!

    Wash your silver looking penny really well and set it on a hot plate set at 600F

    Presto! You made Gold!

    Your friends will call you Merlin the Magician!

    Actually, I think you are making some type of brass.. anyways have fun!
  15. Prospector

    Prospector Member

    This is what I'm thinking and hoping too. would be sweet for them!
  16. EyeEatWheaties

    EyeEatWheaties Cent Hoarder

    uhhhhhhh......... that little recipe will form a thin layer of something or another. I can't remember whether it is a white brass or a layer of zinc.

    Before cutting into it. Don't cut it! not yet! Maybe first try a ring test to see how different it sounds (or the same) compared to a copper penny.
  17. coinmaster1

    coinmaster1 Active Member

    Yeah. A while back, I bought a 1960 cent struck on a dime planchet for $300, certified by anacs as AU58. The guy that I bought it from said that he got it in a jar of pennies that he paid ten bucks for. You never know, but through the picture the coin does not look like a penny on a dime planchet. Cool though!
  18. Prospector

    Prospector Member

    I wouldn't cut into it, I'd send it out to a specialist. Ring Test is inconclusive...lol

    it does have a small gash east of Lincoln's chin with the same color beneath the surface.

    Since the O.P. found that penny in a box of dimes I'm hoping it's a cent on a dime planchet too.. if it were in a roll of dimes, how could it not?
  19. EyeEatWheaties

    EyeEatWheaties Cent Hoarder

    The gash could have been there when it was coated?

    Cool find none the less.

    Dime planchet 2.26g

    Machine roll or hand roll? I would have thought a machine would have tossed it out.

    here is an old silver plated one that is flaking.

  20. 50cent

    50cent What A steal

    I have some ideas about it maybe oil spilled on it or silver plated or zinc who knows
    PS;I have come across some silver pennies too
  21. Hobo

    Hobo Squirrel Hater

    Pre-1982 (and some 1982) Lincoln Cents were bronze, not "solid copper". Large Cents and Half Cents were solid copper but beginning in 1864 and through 1982 the composition of Small Cents was bronze (except, of course, in 1943).
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