1789 1797 George Washington Coin not Token.

Discussion in 'What's it Worth' started by johnecko, Feb 4, 2009.

  1. johnecko

    johnecko New Member

    Hi everyone, I already saw the token of this coin. My grandma' give it to me, and I think that its the original coin, if not please help me. Also I see that the token one cost $5 bucks on ebay, and there is some differences between the token and the coin. The first is that the token has the date 1789-1797 on front sides of the face, and the coin has the dates on the edge of the coin. On the back side the Token says: "American Fabius" and in the coin says: "American Fabious", I think that there is an error. The other thing is how its the paragraph typed. I will appreciate if can help me, Thanks.
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  3. johnecko

    johnecko New Member

    Hi everyone, I already saw the token of this coin. My grandma' give it to me, and I think that its the original coin, if not please help me. Also I see that the token one cost $5 bucks on ebay, and there is some differences between the token and the coin. The first is that the token has the date 1789-1797 on front sides of the face, and the coin has the dates on the edge of the coin. On the back side the Token says: "American Fabius" and in the coin says: "American Fabious", I think that there is an error. The other thing is how its the paragraph typed. I will appreciate if can help me, Thanks.

    Attached Files:

  4. cwtokenman

    cwtokenman Coin Hoarder

    I have a book devoted to issues regarding Washington, but after much searching, I could not find your item, sorry.
  5. Hobo

    Hobo Squirrel Hater

    It is definitely not a coin. I believe what you have is a token from something called "Mr Presidents Game" issued by Shell Oil Co.

    Token? Coin?

  6. bigheater

    bigheater New Member

    george washington coin

    i have a coin and on the back of it describes when he was born and when he died in dec. 14, 1799.
  7. hontonai

    hontonai Registered Contrarian

    Round pieces of metal with a design on one or both sides may be coins, tokens, medals or medallions.
    • "Coins" are government-issued pieces of money, spendable as such in the issuing country or region.
    • "Tokens" are items intended to be used in lieu of money in a limited venue, such as a subway line, a single company's public telephones, or a merchant's store. They are usually non-governmental issues, but sometimes a public transportation agency issues tokens.
    • "Medals" and "Medallions" can be government or non-government issues commemorating a person or an event, which can not be used to buy anything (but of course could be used in a barter transaction, which is not the same thing).

    You most probably have a medal/medallion, you may have a token, but you DO NOT have a coin!

    The original poster apparently has two similar, but different, medals honoring George Washington. One is probably from the Shell series, but I don't know whether that series had two varieties, or some other company made a similar one.
    GeorgeM likes this.
  8. ceeplay

    ceeplay New Member


    I'm almost positive I have found your answer. I also have a gold colored George Washington coin with the same information that is on your coin. I have been searching the internet for at least an hour to find out what it is that I have here, and here's the link with a lot of information for you. I believe the Smithsonian Institute is the source.


    This site only shows the front of the coin, but it's so accurate, I'm sure the back will match what we have. There is no price given, but there is a wealth of information for further investigation.

    I hope this helps. In my opinion, it is NOT a coin from the Shell Oil Company's President's Game. I searched for the game coins and what I found did not match my coin.
  9. ceeplay

    ceeplay New Member


    I'm almost positive I have found your answer. I also have a gold colored George Washington coin with the same information that is on your coin. I have been searching the internet for at least an hour to find out what it is that I have here, and here's the link with a lot of information for you. I believe the Smithsonian Institute is the source.


    This site only shows the front of the coin, but it's so accurate, I'm sure the back will match what we have. There is no price given, but there is a wealth of information for further investigation.

    I hope this helps. In my opinion, it is NOT a coin from the Shell Oil Company's President's Game. I searched for the game coins and what I found did not match my coin.
  10. BUncirculated

    BUncirculated Well-Known Member

    This thread is over 2 1/2 years old.

    No need to repeat the same post to the same thread.

    The item in question is definitely not a coin, it is a token as already pointed out.

    Welcome to CT.
  11. coin01

    coin01 New Member

    The coin that I have, has the exact same thing on both sidesGEORGE WASHINGTON 1st ,

  12. Espartaco

    Espartaco New Member

    1797 G. Washington Coin o Medal

    I got what I concider a washington coin.
    Why, it got a reeded edge, in the obverse "First President" and 1789 of the united states 1797 In the reverse that he was born 1732 and died in 1799.
    Tell me what you know about. ok
  13. BUncirculated

    BUncirculated Well-Known Member

  14. remiramroom

    remiramroom New Member

    i have that oneee

    i have the exact coin but no one knos wat it is
  15. Debbie Tucker

    Debbie Tucker New Member

    My coin has George Washington on top of the front above his photo on bottom it has president 1789 1797 the bscj has a statue of liberty on top it hss united states of america
  16. maringuin

    maringuin New Member

    I have 1799 coin same photo on each side and same date on each side ,gld in color
  17. Coincollecter123

    Coincollecter123 New Member

    The first Washington coin was made in 1932 i have no idea what that is but it’s not a real Washington coin produced by the federal reserve or the treasury.
  18. cpm9ball

    cpm9ball CANNOT RE-MEMBER

    Hey, genius! I've got news for you. Neither the Federal Reserve nor the Treasury produces coins for the US. That job is left to the US Mint.

  19. David Setree Rare Coins

    David Setree Rare Coins Well-Known Member

    All ancient history anyway.:inpain:
  20. Millard

    Millard Coindog Supporter

    Johnecko, I have this same token, although yours is in much better condition than mine. I don't have my references handy right now but I'm glad to share what I've learned. My understanding is this is the original George Washington's funeral token, and was given to attendees of his funeral. It was re-issued 100 years later, except the obverse and reverse were the same. Several other reissue types exist. I'm sorry, I can't attribute the source of this info, its buried in my notes somewhere (no pun intended). But if you target your search at funeral tokens you may have better luck. I got mine from my dad. He discovered it while doing some carpentry at an old farmhouse. He carried it around for a while, then finally put it away. Mine is heavily worn but can be read under high magnification. I don't think there is much value there, and have never had any coin dealer get real excited about it, but I think its a great piece I'll treasure always. Hope this helps
    GeorgeM and TexasCharley like this.
  21. paddyman98

    paddyman98 I'm a professional expert in specializing! Supporter

    Buddy.. this old thread is from 2009. Johnecko was last seen Feb, 7 2009..
    it was his only thread.
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