Jewish War -Year 2 (67/68 CE)

Discussion in 'World Coins' started by mrbrklyn, Jan 12, 2009.

  1. mrbrklyn

    mrbrklyn New Member

    Picked this little Judean-Roman war coin - The Hebrew says, "Freedom of Zion"


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  3. mrbrklyn

    mrbrklyn New Member

  4. mrbrklyn

    mrbrklyn New Member

  5. De Orc

    De Orc Well-Known Member

    Lovely coin Ruben :thumb:

    Prutah year 3 (I think)
    Vine leaf
  6. mrbrklyn

    mrbrklyn New Member

    Yeah - I like this one. The leaf is great and the strict is well centered.

  7. gadg

    gadg New Member

    very nice coin

    Sorry it is year 2 ( 68/67 AC The war of the Jews against the Romans )
  8. tcore

    tcore Coin Collector

    That's the biggest thumbnail I've ever seen! Seriously though, nice pick-ups Ruben.
  9. Magman

    Magman U.S. Money Collector

    thumbnail of an elephant maybe.

    but that's a nice coin :D
  10. acanthite

    acanthite ALIIS DIVES

    Nice coin! Lots of detail visible.
  11. mrbrklyn

    mrbrklyn New Member

    My thiumb or the coin? Actually this coin's leaf drove us to it.

  12. danielf

    danielf Member

    Excellent coin! I can clearly read 5 of the 7 letters on the obverse and all of the letters on the reverse. And the reverse is perfectly centered too. Much nicer than mine.

    By the way, besides the inscription (year 2 or year 3) you can tell the difference because the year 2 coins don't have the lid on the amphora and the year 3 coins do - just in case the inscription is not clear.

  13. mrbrklyn

    mrbrklyn New Member

    Thanks for that tip. And the NY Show my elder daughter and I scouted out never ever Jewish Wars coin we could find of this class and we thought this was the best example of the show.

    Are you familiar with the script?

  14. mrbrklyn

    mrbrklyn New Member

  15. danielf

    danielf Member

    Yes, I am pretty good at this point at reading the paleo-Hebrew. Not as good as I am at reading the modern Hebrew, of course. I wish I was as good at recognizing if the coins are legit or not. When I see the shekels and half shekels from the war, I can recognize the ones that Hendin has in his "Not Kosher" book, but there are lots of fakes that everyone seems to be able to spot so easily and I cannot see what they see for the life of me.
  16. De Orc

    De Orc Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the tip about the lid, I did not know that :bow:
  17. mrbrklyn

    mrbrklyn New Member

    Its amazing to read paleohebrew. My daughter might learn it at Hunter College in CUNY
  18. mrbrklyn

    mrbrklyn New Member

    BTW - It's come to my attention that a lot of these coins available in Israel are from grave robbing. Anyone have any inside information on this?

  19. medoraman

    medoraman Supporter! Supporter

    Depends on what you mean by "grave robbing". I am always careful of that term since archeologists, (many/most of which hate coin collectors), love to throw that word out for shock value.

    If they mean people going into ancient caves where people MAY have been placed at some period in history after they passed away, then maybe. However, ancients normally didn't bury their dead with coins. Life was hard enough, and the living needed to live. The only ones who might do such things would be the rich, in which case the coins would be gold or silver, not a lowly copper.

    I think its an unproven red herring that the archeologists are using to defame coin collectors personally.
  20. mrbrklyn

    mrbrklyn New Member

    In Jerusalem, i ran into this gentleman who ran a booth in the Arab Bazar, very close to the growing Jewish Quarter, Ali M. Wazwaz, at the Ali Baba Antiquities and Jewelery both, who at least claimed to be registered with the Israeli department of antiquities. He was at Chains Gate Street No, 18 in the Old City. very nice Arab kid. He has a great collection of not just coins, but a lot of seemingly authentic artifacts from the Iron Age and Jewish wars.. He was quick to show off his Dave Herndin autographed text :)

    But what I've read on the net, is that such dealers are supplied by questionable West Bank diggers, which is politically interesting in its own right, but that aside, is that it is a fairly large business in Israel and the throughout the Judean and Samaerian hills. God knows the Israeli Antiquities site doesn't put out enough information on dealers or artifacts.

  21. medoraman

    medoraman Supporter! Supporter

    Not disagreeing they buy coins from diggers, but the "diggers" are not grave robbing. They simply dig where they believe there may have been human settlement. The difference is trying to dig where a house was, not a graveyard, for reasons I stated above.

    Btw, speaking of Hendin, you ever read his story in his book about a coin buying trip to Jerusalem? Its funny. He went into a shop and found a coin he was interested in. The owner wanted an outlandish sum, and Mr. Hendin offered a reasonable amount of about $200. The owner stated, "Mr. David Hendin HIMSELF came into my shop offering me $3,000 for it, so I would never sell it to you so cheap". Mr. Hendin said, "well maybe you should call him back and accept his generous offer!"
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