
Discussion in 'Bullion Investing' started by Hotpocket, Aug 28, 2013.

  1. treylxapi47

    treylxapi47 Well-Known Member Dealer

    Never mind, after looking at the card in the pictures above I can see how the ASE just looks as if it fits with that set.

    I'm an idiot.
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  3. JimmyS

    JimmyS New Member

    According the the product description on Providents web site, The 2017 Zombucks® Walker pays homage to the Walking Liberty Half-Dollar (1916-1947) and the American Silver Eagle (1986-2013), which depicts a beautiful image of Walking Liberty striding forward with the sun on the horizon.

    The ASE was obviously much cheaper and easier to obtain (in excellent condition)
    treylxapi47 likes this.
  4. Pacecar

    Pacecar Well-Known Member

    longnine009 likes this.
  5. treylxapi47

    treylxapi47 Well-Known Member Dealer

    Best one yet. I'll be getting 5 of eacb
  6. treylxapi47

    treylxapi47 Well-Known Member Dealer

    Are there any mintage numbers out for the previous ones?
  7. Pacecar

    Pacecar Well-Known Member

    Trey, the final mintage for the previous ones in the series are:

    Murk Diem - 37,662
    The Barber - 39,847
    American Zombuff - 48,428
    Morgue Anne - 41,620
    Walker - 47,885
    longnine009 likes this.
  8. Rassi

    Rassi #GoCubs #FlyTheW #WeAreGood

    I like the new design...
  9. Walking Dead marathon on AMC right now. I like the new design as well. May be a big seller. TC
  10. longnine009

    longnine009 Darwin has to eat too. Supporter

    I was hoping for a type 1 hottie. :p
    treylxapi47 likes this.
  11. OldGoldGuy

    OldGoldGuy Members Only Jacket

    I cannot even begin to tell you how awesome that is. You have skill. Blown away right now. Mind. Blown.
  12. treylxapi47

    treylxapi47 Well-Known Member Dealer

    There's only so many feasible designs left for this series. I wonder what they are gonna use for the rest?!?!?

    Flying eagle?

    Flowing hair?

    I don't know how a seated coin would work, but maybe one of those.?

    Maybe an Indian motif for some of the gold?

    What do you guys think? Moderns seem to be out.
  13. longnine009

    longnine009 Darwin has to eat too. Supporter

    No, no, they should branch out into modern world coins. Cute and fuzzy Panda becomes Punka of the apocalypse.
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2014
  14. Silverbil47

    Silverbil47 Well-Known Member

    Can you imagine what they can do with the bust of Ben Franklin or Kennedy?? How about Lincoln on the cent or even the Eisenhower dollar? Great opportunities out there. Now they have competition from the design of the new Lunar Goat Skull coins which are great. :rolleyes:
  15. OldGoldGuy

    OldGoldGuy Members Only Jacket

    I am willing to bet they don't mess with Kennedy. Too popular, too "nice of a guy" and too fresh in too many peoples minds. Thats what I think at least and I am sure they have a marketing department that would probably think of that. Franklin seems like a probable choice for one of the remainders. I don't think they will do the Indians (nickel or either gold design) due to "taste". I would like if they did the Liberty design that was on gold coinage for so long.
  16. JimmyS

    JimmyS New Member

    Thank you. I'm a finish carpenter by trade so these thing come natural to me.
  17. Nuglet

    Nuglet Active Member

    I'm a big Zombuck fan but must say this new one is just ok at best.... I want Ben Franklinstein!!!
  18. Nuglet

    Nuglet Active Member

    They won't do any actually murdered presidents.. not P.C.

    A Washington seems obvious.. let's think.. the Washingtorn?
    OldGoldGuy likes this.
  19. definer

    definer definitely....! LOL

    How about the "Washingburned" or the "Washingtomb?"
    Nuglet likes this.
  20. Silvertip1958

    Silvertip1958 Member

    I still like Ceded Liberty waving a white flag of freedom to a host of political zombies.
    longnine009 likes this.
  21. Kip Caven

    Kip Caven Member

    Ive got all of em and a new one just came out a few days ago!
    longnine009 likes this.
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