I love the collection, especially the turtles because my daughter, Brynn, loves turtles also and collects figurines and Christmas I get her a turtle coin.
To be honest...I hardley ever look at coins that don't contain some silver in it. Silver is my thing. But after looking at your set..I have to admit...silver is not everything...the eye apeal on this set is awesome. I am jelly. You got a great deal. Congratz. =)
Thanks! I'm more of a silver man myself but due to a limited budget I can't always afford it. So when I see a design I like I go and the silver ones are too much I look for a cheaper alternative.
Really? It matters how long a response is made? Let me know when you find the rules of this thread where it states one has to reply within a certain amount of time. LOL. Good luck and Mahalo.
Mainly a U.S. collector, but I am taking a shining to the pre-1790 British stuff. This just came today.
Latest pickup for my Aussie Penny year set. Already have the year and mint. Just up grading. So hard to find nice aussie pennies. Usually so weakly struck.
Australian 1964 penny really not to bad strike wise Very nice 50c for date! I hope I look this good at 110 years old lol
Thanks Steve & I agree some great designs; saw one someone had posted awhile ago and have been looking, so this is my first Panamanian.