Discussion in 'US Coins Forum' started by chevy, May 29, 2004.

  1. chevy

    chevy New Member

    hey guys,

    does anybody here reccomend whitman 2x2's (the clear plastic ones that snap together). One of the supply shops i go to only carries the whitmans, not the kontains.

    thanks a lot,

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  3. jody526

    jody526 New Member

    Yeah, chevy, those are pretty neat coin holders. I have a few, and they work well for me.
    I personally prefer the Kointains, over the Whitmans, but that is just my opinion.
    I think if you buy the Whitmans, at a reasonable price, you will be pleased with them.
  4. Peter T Davis

    Peter T Davis Hammer at the Ready Moderator

    They're great as long as you have standard size coins.
  5. Ed Zak

    Ed Zak New Member

    I like the Snap Tites and Intercepts

    Primarily I collect Lincolns and being in Florida with heat & humidity, it poses a challenge to keep some of my cents, well...red! Here's some of the stuff I do...

    I use cardboard 2X2's with four staples where I squeeze the staple on the reverse. I use a 3 inch metal roller (looks like a metal donut) whereby I pitch the staple. This squeezes the staple tighter as well as prevents the "claw" of the staple from scratching other 2x2's. I could use other coin staplers that fold the staple better, but I feel they do not not cover as much surface area and are not as strong as a standard staple. Then, I add clear tape to the four edges to prevent the cardboard from "shredding". Also, this helps seal the outside rim. Maybe I spend too much time doing this, but it is part of the hobby I enjoy.

    Oh, I forgot...I print out Avery Labels (#8167 which are .5" by 1.75" in size) where I put the year and mint on one line in large font, and the second line in smaller font, the mintage. It really looks good displaying the coins in a three ring binder. If I want to pull a coin out for examination, no problem.

    I like the Snap-Tite's (From Edgar Marcus & Co.) which are nice and durable. They provide a nice fit around the coin as well as a nice fit around the edge of the 2X2...a double barrier. If I am selling, they really present the coin well. I am telling you...the same coin in the same condition will sell for far more in a Snap-Tite versus a card board 2x2. I know, I know...buy/sell the coin, not the slab or plastic...but presentation is key with anything that is bought and sold, so these $.60 holders are well worth it for protection, presentation, and selling...especially for higher grade coins.

    For ultimate protection for my red pennies, I use the Intercept Shield 2x2's which are similiar to the Snap-Tites but with that black insert. This is the same technology used in ICG slabbed coins and other industries where protection from outside elements is a must. They are pricy, but well worth it for coins that easily oxidize or tarnish.

    Last but not least...make sure your safe, box, cabinet has some of those dehimidifier bags you see in luggage or new items you buy at the store. You know those small bags that state "Do not eat". My company was kind enough to send me a supply of them because they work well in protecting electronic components during storage and shipping. On the bag, it is called: SORB-IT (1-800-989-3374) and that is another level of protection from humidity and the bad gasses we have around coins.

    Hope this helps...
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