What brought you to CoinTalk?

Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by ldhair, Jun 30, 2018.

  1. ldhair

    ldhair Clean Supporter

    How did you hear about this site?
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  3. Nathan401

    Nathan401 Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

    I found it by accident while using Google to look up coins that were left to us by my Wife's late Grandfather. An addiction was born!!
    jafo50 and alurid like this.
  4. cwart

    cwart Senior Member Supporter

    Its been so long I honestly don't remember, glad I found it though :)
  5. Michael K

    Michael K Well-Known Member

    Looking stuff up for years and the answers were usually here.
    Finally signed up.
  6. Treashunt

    Treashunt The Other Frank

  7. wxcoin

    wxcoin Getting no respect since I was a baby

    After Google searching for information about a coin I had (after a Dewers on the rocks)
  8. alurid

    alurid Well-Known Member

    A google search for info on this coin.
    I still get redirected to CT while doing research.
    Evan8 likes this.
  9. Histman

    Histman Too Many Coins, Not Enough Time!

    I was looking for sites to purchase coins from. I googled that and several coin sites came up, including this one. I appreciated that it was more than a site for purchasing coins, so I stuck around.
  10. LA_Geezer

    LA_Geezer Well-Known Member

    A google search.
  11. Pickin and Grinin

    Pickin and Grinin Well-Known Member

  12. ldhair

    ldhair Clean Supporter

    I came here just to get in contact with someone and fell in love with the site and the way it's ran. The fun became a habit.
  13. ancient coin hunter

    ancient coin hunter 3rd Century Usurper

    I was looking for dealers of Roman coin hoards and came across the site. I joined and since then have really enjoyed it.
  14. C-B-D

    C-B-D Well-Known Member

    Google search about a 1798 large cent variety.
  15. John Skelton

    John Skelton Morgan man!

    I stumbled upon this site while looking for coin sites during my learning phase, which is still going on. And I think this is the best place to learn.
  16. WDF

    WDF Its all about history

    Through research, a lot of information here.
  17. GDJMSP

    GDJMSP Numismatist Moderator

    Well let's see, if I remember correctly the clay tablets containing the notice ...... :D
  18. CircCam

    CircCam Victory

    I came here looking for help on how to get tape off of some peace dollars I inherited.

    @Kentucky was really welcoming and helped me out, I recall, so I stuck around. Still have so much to learn, but I've learned a ton here. :)
  19. spirityoda

    spirityoda Coin Junky

    Bing search for coin websites. after that I was hooked. sharing coin photos. Looking at other peoples coins. learning about all kinds of coins. being able to see many ancient coins that I did not know about. chatting about coins makes my day.
    alurid likes this.
  20. paddyman98

    paddyman98 I'm a professional expert in specializing! Supporter

    I was looking for Con Talk.. Websites where con artists share thier deceiving strategies.. But this place popped up instead :bag:
  21. Rick Stachowski

    Rick Stachowski Motor City Car Capital

    My computer ..
    Off course ...

    The rest is history ....
    Paul_62, spirityoda and paddyman98 like this.
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