John Burgess, posted: "No way is it going to be a $600 windfall. I'll go as high as $300 once it normalizes, but I don't expect it to be even that high. I'm speculating $225-$250 based on the mintage." They bought TWO SE's. I had mine SOLD for $600 if I got one. By the way, do you work for the mint or something because your post sure reads like the PR department hahahhaha! Not at all. I don't like the folks who sow "sour grapes." Life is not fair! Today was the third time I lost out on a Mint "Gift." That makes me 2/5. About 15 years ago I lost $$,$$$ of profit on the Sets with a 5 limit order. Every employee at the TPGS was trying to buy them. We had fast servers or something and all of us got the sets including me. Bank of America tried to reach me due to the large purchase. Then, even though the purchase was below my credit limit - I found out the bank declined the Mint! All I got was a letter of apology BEFORE closing all of my accounts with them. I also had to apologize to the person I sold the five sets as soon as I printed my order confirmation. I only HOPE to this day he believed that I was not selling them for a few hundred more each to someone else.
Are you guys ready to really commiserate with me? I just heard the final count around my office. Two people in the office + the relatives of many of the other employees who didn't get one for themselves bought a total of 20 SE's. That's twenty collectors who will need to pay $$$ from a coin dealer if they want one.
I was going to keep mine for collection. Tried hard for an hour and 45 off and on. When I finally got through it was still in cart and got to confirm order button and it said the product was sold out. I’ve been involved with low mintage mint items in the past but was not expecting the barrage of BS thrown at me on top of the refresh pages. It makes me wonder how I ever got anything in the past and what it’ll be like for the Mayflower offerings. There will be no way to get multiple items in the bag and get checked out.
I tried to get in almost two hours after the fiasco started, just for a look, and it was still messed up and not loading. I finally did get to log in and the site seems to be "fixed" for the moment.
I wasted a bunch of time using Chrome, got locked out, multiple times. Switched to Firefox and got in but, had trouble getting checked out. It made me start over or log back in. Kept having trouble pulling up my CC. Using Chrome, it would make me prove I was a human being. Firefox was slow but, didn't ask me to prove I was human. After I finally ordered one, I noticed that MS Edge would load pages faster and rarely gave me an error. The coin wasn't sold out, yet but, since it's limited to 1 per household, I couldn't order another. The couple of important dates are Nov 9th and 17th. BTW, so far Bullion Exchanges and Pinehurst coins is offering buy 75th Anniversary Eagles for big mark ups.
"Kept having trouble pulling up my CC." Yep. That is one of MANY problems they had, unrelated to bandwidth. That is a basic backend process to pull from their internal database which a zillion much bigger retail websites accomplish with ease millions of times every day . . . and they just couldn't get it done. Once I figured out that they were fundamentally incapable of this simple operation, and I just typed in my card information . . . the order finally went through. Amazing. FWIW, I gave up on Chrome and Edge, and did the order on my Samsung phone.
Those of you that ordered a 75th Anniversary Eagle, you're not out of woods until you receive and order confirmation email from the Mint. This is different from the "We've received your order.." email that you get almost immediately after your order is placed. Several years ago, I think it was the 2012 Silver Eagle set? (not sure, so many coins, so little time). I received an email about receiving my order, then an email that the Mint kept selling the sets after they were sold out. I received a letter, confirming that my order would not be fulfilled, as I ordered the set after it was sold out. However, if you can get into 'Order History' and see your order, processing, you're probably safe.
Learn to say, "The hell with it!" It's a nothing coin anyway. The thing that gives it value is its gold content. What's wrong with this coin, which sells for a fraction of the cost? And what's the mintage? I think that it's 1,945 pieces. The mintage for the 1880 gold dollar is 1,600 pieces, with an estimated 900 survivors. These coins were beautifully made, and you don't have to stress about it. Older coins have a lot more to offer than this "beanie baby" which has nothing but a counterstamp.
I almost never use Edge so, my cache and cookies might have been relatively clean. I've had times, using Chrome, when sites I access regularly wouldn't let me in. I'd clear my cache and suddenly it's smooth sailing...until the next time.
I agree with John if I hadn't gotten it at Mint price I would have passed and I may still flip it for some older stuff (not sure yet but if they hold at ~600 its hard to pass)
I gave up on the US Mint many years ago. Sorry you folks are having troubles but I personally would have expected this.
That was actually one of my first times using edge on a new computer, can't say I was impressed by it at all. Might have to go back to Safari or even Firefox though I'm not a big fan of that either.
That 1880 gold dollar is absolutely beautiful! What's the price? Last one I saw in high mint state was over $20K. So not exactly apples and apples.
Nothing wrong with that other WW2 proof commemorative, either. Gorgeous design, IMO. But I believe they made well more than 50000, and it's about 1/4 the size and gold of the coin they were selling today.