The "R. THEIS" Counterstamp (PICS)

Discussion in 'US Coins Forum' started by Diplodocus, Mar 18, 2016.

  1. NLL

    NLL Well-Known Member

    Can you please post some pictures so I can see what they look like. Thanks.
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  3. Joe Campbell

    Joe Campbell Well-Known Member

    I bought one of these in the late ‘80’s as a kid from the LCS in a Washington state. He said it was a counterfeit quarter. Had no idea there were more of them out there.
    BRandM likes this.
  4. BRandM

    BRandM Counterstamp Collector

    They're fairly common, Joe, so I'm not surprised you have one. Does your example have a number counterstamped on the reverse or just another "R. Thies" stamp?

    Hookman likes this.
  5. Joe Campbell

    Joe Campbell Well-Known Member

    I don't recall. I probably haven't looked at it in decades. I assume I still have it in the deepest, darkest recesses of the collection but I really don't know. I don't remember it having anything on the back. Guess I'll have to find it and look.
    Hookman likes this.
  6. BRandM

    BRandM Counterstamp Collector

    Generally, either there's a "R Thies" counterstamp on both sides, or one on the obverse and a random number on the other. Just curious about yours.

  7. Joe Campbell

    Joe Campbell Well-Known Member

    Bruce - i’ll See if I can dig it out.
  8. Joe Campbell

    Joe Campbell Well-Known Member

    Good call Bruce - it is stamped on both sides. I didn't remember that. Here it is. IMG_4645.JPG IMG_4646.JPG
    JBK, BRandM and Hookman like this.
  9. BRandM

    BRandM Counterstamp Collector

    Nearly all I've seen have the two "R. Thies" stamps. Just a few with name and number. Thanks, Joe.

    JBK likes this.
  10. Joe Campbell

    Joe Campbell Well-Known Member

    Bruce - I appreciate the information. I assumed the coin was a spender. Really had no idea it might be worth over face.
    BRandM likes this.
  11. BRandM

    BRandM Counterstamp Collector

    Keep it for sure, Joe. Not worth a lot, but maybe $10 or so. That's probably about what I paid for mine.

    JBK likes this.
  12. JBK

    JBK Coin Collector

    A "spender"? Sure, if you want to spend a 10 or even a 20 dollar bill as a quarter. (I was trying to find a laughing or winking emoji to insert here).

    I pick them up on eBay when they are cheap enough. I've seen them go for 10 or so, but I also saw one go for over 30 once.

    I have never seen a numbered one, but I did see one on an Ike dollar.

    Some suggestions I found on the Internet said that they originated in the Las Vegas area. Several years ago I found two people in LV with the last name Thies and the first initial R. I wrote to both of them to ask if they knew anything about them, but I never got a reply.

    I do know that they are NOT related to artist Ryan Thies.
    BRandM likes this.
  13. BRandM

    BRandM Counterstamp Collector

    I second that, JBK. NOT Ryan Thies the artist. Far too young to be the issuer.

    JBK likes this.
  14. Jevon

    Jevon New Member

    I have one of those coins that have the r.thies stamped on it
  15. Jevon

    Jevon New Member

    I have one right now
    BRandM and Jwt708 like this.
  16. BRandM

    BRandM Counterstamp Collector

    Have a picture to show?

    Jwt708 likes this.
  17. Jevon

    Jevon New Member

  18. Jevon

    Jevon New Member

    That’s my second one I found
  19. Raizac

    Raizac Well-Known Member

    just found one PXL_20201008_191542954.jpg
  20. Raizac

    Raizac Well-Known Member

    i just found one PXL_20201008_191542954.jpg
  21. BRandM

    BRandM Counterstamp Collector

    Anything stamped on the reverse of the coin, Jevon? They sometimes have a random number explanation for that one.

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