Silly question re: PCGS crossover

Discussion in 'US Coins Forum' started by Dima, Jan 10, 2025.

  1. Dima

    Dima Member

    Hi folks,

    Has anybody ever submitted something to PCGS for crossover; have it come back as 'did not cross;' resubmit for crossover; and successfully have it slabbed by PCGS?

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  3. Burton Strauss III

    Burton Strauss III Brother can you spare a trime? Supporter

    — Ralph Waldo Emerson, "Self-Reliance", Essays: First Series, 1841
    Long Beard likes this.
  4. fiddlehead

    fiddlehead Well-Known Member

  5. mpcusa

    mpcusa "Official C.T. TROLL SWEEPER"

    I use to do allot of this with currency PMG to PCGS and have done a couple
    coins as well but you need to remember PCGS is the big boy on the block
    if the coin is crossing over from NGC to PCGS and back and fourth you will probably get alike grading but if your trying to graduate a coin from ANACS or ICG be prepared to be disappointed as they will usually fall short by at least one grade
    sometimes even more.
    Tater and Dima like this.

    GDJMSP Numismatist Moderator

    I haven't ever done it personally, but over the years there have been a great many reports made of it happening. In other words, posts (including pics) made by others of it happening to them. And not just on this forum but pretty much all the forums.

    There have also been examples of resubmissions of all kinds too numerous to count resulting in upgrades, downgrades, clean grades v details grades, etc etc etc. And yes, it happens when both submissions and or numerous submissions were with the same TPG, as well as different TPGs.
    imrich, Dima and KBBPLL like this.
  7. Lehigh96

    Lehigh96 Toning Enthusiast

    I once submitted a 1956 Jefferson Nickel NGC MS67 for crossover and it didn't cross. I have been tempted ever since to submit it for crossover again, but I just don't submit to PCGS that much. Maybe your thread will spur me.


    I have submitted an NGC coin for regrade 1940 NGC MS67 OH. I was looking to upgrade the steps to 5FS. It came back MS67+. I submitted it again, and it came back MS67+5FS. Can't find the photos though.
    Dima and KBBPLL like this.

    KBBPLL Well-Known Member

    Is that from personal experience?
  9. Lehigh96

    Lehigh96 Toning Enthusiast

    My experience is that if you know how to grade, you can identify which coins ICG and ANACS graded correctly.

    1944-D Jefferson Nickel MS67

    1938-S Jefferson Nickel MS67
    Vess1, ddddd and Dima like this.
  10. mpcusa

    mpcusa "Official C.T. TROLL SWEEPER"

    It is :punch:
  11. ddddd

    ddddd Member

    I have been stubborn with a few coins that I had graded a few times (did not succeed and eventually gave up) but my crossover efforts were one and done (2 coins-1 crossed and I kept it while the other did not and I sold it....I liked the one that did cross better regardless if it had crossed or not).
    Dima likes this.
  12. calcol

    calcol Supporter! Supporter

    I tried submitting a NGC coin twice to PCGS for crossover, and it flunked both times. If the NGC slab has the same cert. no. when it goes to PCGS the second time, it will be scanned into their system, and the first flunk will pop-up for the graders to see. Chances are very slim at this point that they will change their minds.

    What might work is send it to NGC for a regrade, and it should come back with a new cert. no. whether the grade got upped or not. Then send the coin to PCGS, and it won't already be in their computer system. Would only want to do this if you really want it to cross because you'll be paying for 3 gradings.

    Dima likes this.
  13. Burton Strauss III

    Burton Strauss III Brother can you spare a trime? Supporter


    Somebody paid to have it originally graded at NGC.

    Doesn't that highlight the absolute absurdity of the crossover game? The only people making certain money at it are the TPGs.
    calcol and masterswimmer like this.
  14. Dima

    Dima Member

    Thanks, @GDJMSP. Good to know it's theoretically possible! :)

    @calcol, this is exactly what my thinking was: since the DNC coins get assigned a non-functional PCGS cert number, if that same coin shows up, they very likely don't even look at it again; simply revisit the previously graded DNC record. Buuuut... to play devil's advocate this theory: consider PCGS graded coins coming in for regrade. Those already have established PCGS certs/grades, but still occasionally get bumped up. I would certainly hope that since PCGS collects a regrade fee every time, they'd ignore the DNC record and regrade the coin again; very likely reaching same conclusion and determination.

    100% agreed.
  15. Dima

    Dima Member

    In previous post, I'd mentioned DNC (did not cross) coins getting assigned a PCGS cert. For any folks who may have not seen this before, here's an example of a PCGS crossover order; two of four crossed, other two DNC.


    Note that those DNC coins have "non functioning" PCGS cert numbers - meaning, we cannot click 'em and if we look 'em up on, they come back invalid. However, I'm certain that behind the scenes in PCGS's employee-only database, those numbers very much exist and almost certainly contain a note saying "this is NGC graded cert number xyz-12345."
    ddddd likes this.
  16. calcol

    calcol Supporter! Supporter

    Once at a big show, I asked a NGC official if graders were allowed to see the current grade on coins submitted for regrade or crossover. She said, "Yes, but that doesn't affect them because they're professionals." I managed to walk a few feet away before I started laughing.

    132andBush, ddddd and Dima like this.
  17. Vess1

    Vess1 CT SP VIP Supporter

    I only submit to NGC. Have never tried PCGS. I did have a PCGS MS-67FT dime in a PCGS holder cross to NGC. Had an early braided hair ICG graded MS-64 I cracked out and sent to NGC and came back as a 64. Also cracked out an 1831 capped bust quarter out of a AU-50 ICG slab and sent to NGC. Came back as an AU-53. I'm fine with strict grading but from what I've been seeing it seems like PCGS has been getting overly strict again, which I'm sure also raises revenues on crack outs and re-submit attempts.
    If you crack them out, they don't know what the previous grade was when they come in raw.
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