Should i sell some of my silver?

Discussion in 'Bullion Investing' started by Heated Lime, Apr 15, 2013.

  1. Blaubart

    Blaubart Melt Value = 4.50


    Everyone always asks what it means to "back the truck up". Cashing in your 401k and going "all in", no matter if it's $20,000 or $500,000, that's "backing the truck up".
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  3. FryDaddyJr

    FryDaddyJr Junior Member

    never put all your eggs in one basket. ouch
  4. slackaction1

    slackaction1 Supporter! Supporter

    that's freaking crazy with the 401k thing wow pretty risky at this point....

    Edited Language per forum rules. Please read them.
  5. ratio411

    ratio411 Active Member

    After reading this, I am proud to say I stopped buying melt value silver after it passed $16 an ounce.
    I am also a bit disappointed that I haven't sold any either though, especially when it hit $48.
    However, I am a collector, not a speculator... If I was a speculator, I would have bought a ton when it was $4 back around the millenium.

    I sincerely hope it drops again, so I can start collecting common silver again.
    I have limited my silver coin purchases to better dates since the spike in silver prices, so I don't get dinged when it drops eventually.
  6. billpocz

    billpocz Amazed by Peace Dollars

    Yah mon, I am sendin' a reply your way from da' Tropics.

    I took dat advice...

    Made a fortune, mon! :devil:
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