Roll-searchers, post your results!

Discussion in 'Coin Roll Hunting' started by chicken_little, Oct 24, 2005.

  1. jensenbay

    jensenbay Well-Known Member

    A handful of halves and dollars... nothing of interest.
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  3. -jeffB

    -jeffB Greshams LEO Supporter

    I got the first "save your 2024 nickels, they're worth BIG MONEY" article in Google News today. :rolleyes:

    Current mintage figures are just under 70 million for P and D combined. That's compared to over 1.4 BILLION last year. I guess they could burn out the presses during the remainder of the month, but it's still going to be very low - probably lower than 2009, which was the lowest since the 1950s. Still tens of times higher than the 1950-D, though, and we see how that panned out (trading at sky-high prices early on, then stalled for decades).
    Troodon and Seattlite86 like this.
  4. Seattlite86

    Seattlite86 Outspoken Member

    This is interesting. Do you know the reason for such a low production?
    Joe Campbell and Troodon like this.
  5. Troodon

    Troodon Coin Collector

    I don't know specifically why 2024 has low production numbers, but in general when there's an economic downturn, people tend to take the change they already have and start cashing it in, depositing it, or directly spending it. This reduces the demand banks have for coinage, and the Mint responds by reducing its production numbers. The last time this happened to a significant degree was in 2009, which is why nickels and dimes were produced in quite low numbers that year (because people were collecting the Lincoln bicentennial pennies, DC & territorial quarters, and the new Native American dollars, those coins didn't have as much of an absolute drop in mintage numbers).

    I'm not sure if the same thing is going on this year, another possible explanation is a supply issue, either of raw materials to mint the coins from or shipping capacity shipping them out and distributing them. Inflation and cost of living might explain more people spending their coins which could explain a reduced demand for more minted coins, thus lower mintages. It might be a year or two before we can actually fully confirm what the deal with 2024 is. But... 2024 pennies, nickels, and dimes might be worth holding on to. (Maybe quarters too to a lesser extent, but a lot of people are trying to collect the AWQs, so they might not be as low as the other coins.) Now... reduced mintage still means they will probably be minted into the millions, but they could be a conditional rarity several years down the road (millions is still less than billions lol). The more the lower minted coins have to serve circulation, the less in decent uncirculated (or at least AU) condition will be around when people are trying to fill their albums in a few years.
    NOS and Seattlite86 like this.
  6. Troodon

    Troodon Coin Collector

    1950-D is a funny story, actually... yes it's the rarest regular issue Jefferson nickel (technically the rarest is the 1938 proof, but talking only IFC here), But... everyone knew it was going to be rare, so even in 1950 people were saving them whenever they found them. As a result there are plenty available in high condition; in fact uncirculated/AU are probably MORE common than circulated ones, because of how many people saved them (why they're a rare find in roll hunting). Because the supply is more than enough to meet demand, it's easy to get them even in high uncirculated condition for like $15 to $20 or so. Even slabbed with 5FS probably would be in like $50-$60 range. (Also, it might be the rarest IFC Jefferson nickel, but they still minted 2.6 million of them.)

    Compare this to something like 1909-S VDB, or 1914-D, or 1922 plain Lincoln cents where it wasn't until quite some time after they were minted and people wanted them for their collections that people realized how rare they were. But when 1931-S rolled around... a lot of people knew it would be rare, which is why even though it's technically the second rarest IFC Lincoln cent, it isn't close to being the second most expensive, because so many were saved from circulation.

    I suppose the TLDR version of this is: there's a difference between rarity and scarcity, which is why a lot of technically rare issues aren't worth as much as people would think.

    P.S. The rarest IFC Roosevelt dime btw, 1955, had a mintage over 10 million lol. Roosevelt dimes is probably the cheapest US coin series to complete if you only count regular issues.
    Rambutan52, NOS, -jeffB and 1 other person like this.
  7. Michael K

    Michael K Well-Known Member

    I have been striking out left and right. I am picking up rolls, my GF is picking up rolls and we are not getting anything. I have a few of the very new quarters (a name I can't pronounce or spell) but I need upgrades for Jovita Idar and Mary Alice Walker, and so far I have seen ZERO Celia Cruz'. I picked up three rolls yesterday and in the 2nd roll was a Tall Grass Prairie W. I have this one already but not looking a gift W in the mouth.
    100_9481.JPG 100_9484.JPG
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2024
  8. Seattlite86

    Seattlite86 Outspoken Member

    Almost missed this one, but it got stuck in my sorting/rolling machine!
    IMG_1399.jpeg IMG_1397.jpeg IMG_1400.jpeg IMG_1403.jpeg IMG_1402.jpeg IMG_1401.jpeg
    NOS, halvessearcher, CRHer700 and 5 others like this.
  9. Pickin and Grinin

    Pickin and Grinin Well-Known Member

    Troodon and Seattlite86 like this.
  10. Troodon

    Troodon Coin Collector

    Nickel box #17:

    Interestingly enough, this is the first time I didn't get a bank-sealed box, and they gave me 50 loose rolls, a little over half of which were customer wrapped.

    Interesting find: 1992 Canadian nickel, with the 1867-1992 date celebrating 125th anniversary of confederation
    Also found a 1939 nickel, 2009-P, and 2009-D

    Other pre-1960's finds:
    1947-S x2
    1954-D x3
    1955-D x2
    1958-D x3
    1959-D x3

    So are customer-wrapped rolls a good sign or a bad one? Depends I guess; was quite a few older nickels in the hand-wrapped rolls. Sure I don't need most of them, but that's because I've been doing this a while. Will keep this up to see the results.
    NOS and Seattlite86 like this.
  11. JoshuaP

    JoshuaP Supporter! Supporter

    I have not looked through a box of nickels in what feels like ages, but I was able to get a box of nickels and quarters this week. Here are my nickel finds. I will post quarters later if I find anything. 20241226_223445.jpg
  12. Troodon

    Troodon Coin Collector

    Nickel box #18:

    Law of diminishing returns is definitely kicking in, but that's how it goes. Did find a nice upgrade to 1956-D though. Also found a 1993 Canadian 5 cent.

    Also these pre-1960 nickels:
    1946-D x2
    1947-S x2
    1954-D x3
    1958-D x3
    1959-D x4

    Not done yet, though this will probably be my last box of 2024. Also planning on branching out to dimes soon.
    Seattlite86 likes this.
  13. Troodon

    Troodon Coin Collector

    Roosevelt dime album arrived today... but I was thwarted in my attempt to christen it with a dime hunt because my bank was out of dimes. So... hopefully can do that soon next year.

    Did put in the 1963 and 1964-D I found years ago in circulation. My piggy bank had a decent 1999-P I also put in there.
    -jeffB and Seattlite86 like this.
  14. eric6794

    eric6794 Well-Known Member

    got this today roll searching, always fun finding errors WIN_20241230_17_30_56_Pro.jpg WIN_20241230_17_31_04_Pro.jpg WIN_20241230_17_31_15_Pro.jpg
  15. Troodon

    Troodon Coin Collector

    First real dime hunt, looked through all the dimes my father, mother, and brother had. No silver sadly, but did find 2x 2009-D dimes, which is nice. Starting from a position of needing everything, did fill out quite a lot of the clad spaces. Most of what I need is stuff from the Philadelphia mint, probably not surprising since I live near Denver.

    P.S. Was deciding whether my album should have a space for 1996-W or not and decided... well, I have a spot in Lincoln cents for the 2019-W business strike, so I guess I should stay consistent. I don't want to have to relabel an entire page though, so I just made my first spot on the blank page reserved for 1996-W. Likelihood of just finding it... astronomical probably lol, probably just buy one eventually. But it should still have a spot I think.
    -jeffB likes this.
  16. Lon Chaney

    Lon Chaney Well-Known Member

    You can get a raw one for about 15 bucks. They are very affordable. Mintage of almost 1.5 million.
  17. Troodon

    Troodon Coin Collector

    I already have one (it fills the clad Roosevelt dime spot in my type set) but now I need one to go with the Roosevelt dimes lol. I'll probably buy one eventually but I like to start these as places to house my coin roll hunting attempts, and just buying things feels like "cheating"... but when I get to the point there's nothing left to realistically find I may buy the last few to finish out the set.
    CRHer700 and Lon Chaney like this.
  18. Troodon

    Troodon Coin Collector

    Dime box #1:
    One thing I noticed is a box of dimes is a lot lighter than a box of nickels lol.

    1 silver: 1954-D
    Notable clad: 2024-D

    Well 1 silver is better than no silver!

    Found every clad from 1965-2024, except for 1969, 1971, 1992-P, and 2009-P. Honestly I don't feel too bad just buying those 4 so that everything I need is from the silver years. (Still need 2025-P and 2025-D of course but those aren't likely out of the Mint yet). I would of course still save any 2009 and 2024's I find, as well as the elusive 1996-W (I don't realistically expect to find that coin roll hunting, but there's always a chance lol so I'm definitely still examining all of the clad dimes).

    I know what I'm getting into, and it will be tough to fill the silver years just from coin roll hunting, but if it was easy where would the fun in it be?
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2025
    Seattlite86 and SensibleSal66 like this.
  19. Troodon

    Troodon Coin Collector

    Nickel box #19:
    This was a tough box and it would be kind of repeating myself to mention the law of diminishing returns...

    But hey, probably one of my most interesting finds in the sense I never would have thought I'd find this in a box of nickels. I see a flash of copper and think, is there a penny in a nickel roll? Well yes there was, but it wasn't an American penny; it was a British one! A 2016 UK 1 pence. Can't say I was expecting that!

    Also notable, found 2 2009-Ds, and a semi-key 1950 (was so hoping to see the D on the back, but nope...)

    Other pre-1960 finds:
    1954-D x2 (coincidentally same date and mintmark of the silver dime I found yesterday)

    This still felt worth doing but I think I'll wait a while for the bank to get potentially better boxes before I start hunting nickels and dimes again. Or maybe I should try other banks. We'll see.

    Oh and almost forgot found a really nice 1963-D to upgrade what I had in the album.
  20. Lon Chaney

    Lon Chaney Well-Known Member

    You'd be better off with the nickel, you lost almost 4 cents on that one.
    Troodon likes this.
  21. Troodon

    Troodon Coin Collector

    Fair enough lol but it was still an interesting find beyond its monetary value. You look through thousands of nickels, finding something that's not a nickel is worth the value difference for the novelty alone.

    Not the first British coin I found hunting nickels; last one I found was a 20 pence piece, so averaging the two I still came out on top over the 10 cents 2 nickels would have been worth.
    -jeffB and Lon Chaney like this.
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