Roll-searchers, post your results!

Discussion in 'Coin Roll Hunting' started by chicken_little, Oct 24, 2005.

  1. Lon Chaney

    Lon Chaney Well-Known Member

    String is a company that makes coin wrappers. Not a "change provider" or armored car service.
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  3. -jeffB

    -jeffB Greshams LEO Supporter

    Okay, you made me look:

  4. Lon Chaney

    Lon Chaney Well-Known Member

    So I guess they do "process" coins for owners of their coin counting machines. But they aren't like a Loomis - they specialize in selling products to customers (mostly paper products like coin wrappers and paper napkin/silverware wrappers):
  5. -jeffB

    -jeffB Greshams LEO Supporter

    No idea what the proportions of their various business lines are. I do know, though, that N.F. String & Sons boxes used to be mentioned fairly frequently here and in other roll-hunting threads.
  6. Lon Chaney

    Lon Chaney Well-Known Member

    Yes that's true. But both Guarda and Loomis use NF String boxes. So you can't necessarily infer something based on the String box or wrappers.
    Brinks uses Brinks boxes. And when they temporarily run out of stock, they will use String boxes.

    I forgot what we were originally talking about. :)

    EDIT: I will say that I have seen roll-searchers make this mistake many times over the last 10 years and if you search this thread, I've probably made this point a few times over that same time period. The moral of the story is that the wrapper or box being the same or different doesn't necessarily mean you are searching the same or different coin supply.
    -jeffB likes this.
  7. jensenbay

    jensenbay Well-Known Member

    5 cwr and a few loose halves ... nothing of interest.
    Picked up 4 ikes. I haven't seen any of those in a while.
    Cheech9712 and -jeffB like this.
  8. Michael K

    Michael K Well-Known Member

    GF picked up 2 rolls. I haven't looked yet but 3 (W looks) in the 1st roll and 6 in the second roll. If I pull a W you will be the third to know. In the second roll I pulled this Delaware S proof. This has been banging around in circulation for a long time. But I am happy to have it.
  9. Rambutan52

    Rambutan52 Well-Known Member

    Switching to pennies this time a Loomis box produced seven wheat pennies. The oldest was a crusty 1919-S.

    IMG_0549.jpeg IMG_0553.jpeg IMG_0554.jpeg IMG_0557.jpeg
  10. Michael K

    Michael K Well-Known Member

    I picked up a couple rolls and I had 8 looks at a W, 0-8. What was interesting, I got a couple quarters in change at the self serve and I saw the reverse of an Arizona state quarter and it was just brand spanking new. So I thought maybe I scored another S. But it wasn't. If it wasn't MS it was close to it. It was better than the one I had in my album, so I replaced it. My album coins I would get when the brand new issues came out (come out) and I take the nicest one I can find. How can this one be in such good condition? It's 15 years old. It can't possible have been bouncing around in circulation that long as it has full luster and only a few minor nicks on the obverse.
    -jeffB likes this.
  11. Rambutan52

    Rambutan52 Well-Known Member

    My latest nickel box, another Loomis, produced a few good scores. The most noteworthy finds were a 1942-P war nickel and two San Francisco mintage. One 1941 and one 1947. The early decade count were fourteen from the 40’s and six from the 50’s. Also, I might have secured five 1964-D repunched mint mark. I will post them on a separate thread to solicit opinions.

    IMG_0695.jpeg IMG_0696.jpeg IMG_0697.jpeg IMG_0698.jpeg IMG_0699.jpeg IMG_0700.jpeg
    Michael K and -jeffB like this.
  12. -jeffB

    -jeffB Greshams LEO Supporter

    Sitting in the change compartment of a car whose driver doesn't like sodas and fast food?
    Whistler's brother likes this.
  13. jensenbay

    jensenbay Well-Known Member

    6 halves while getting a cashiers check... nothing of interest.
  14. Dustin McDaniel

    Dustin McDaniel Well-Known Member

    Strange day coin roll hunting. I was able to get to boxes of halves.
    Beside the not 21not so uncommon NIFC's.

    I never expected to get a 1917 0ne Penny foreign coin with George V on reverse. I didn't even know these existed and don't understand how it got in a coin roll. All though it's not worth a lot o really enjoyed finding it.

    2002 S Silver proof
    1967 40%er
    2016 Panama
    1971 S proof
    Also got what I thought was a silver Kennedy until I saw the date, 1971. Really had me scratching my head. I looked it up and there are some 1971 silver's but the weight on this one weighs just a hair more than a clad half dollar. The 1967 40%er weighs 11.56 grams, the 1971 weighs 11.36, a regular clad weighed 11.28, the 90% 2002 S Silver proof weighs 12.66. There is absolutely no clad color anywhere to be found on the rim. Does anyone have an explanation?
    1917 George V

    1971 D silver looking edge next to a clad coin.

    2016 Panama

    2002 silver proof 1967 Kennedy
  15. jensenbay

    jensenbay Well-Known Member

    I've had a couple of the old pennies show up in half rolls over the years.
  16. rte

    rte Well-Known Member

    I'm not one to crh but the guy ahead of me at the bank deposited $404.
    1 quarter roll, 2 dime rolls, 1 nickel roll, 4 penny rolls and the rest in $1 bills into 2 accounts.
    I suppose that's as good as any a SIGN to buy up $24 in change?
    IMG_20240102_132006550.jpg stay tuned :greedy:
    PamR and -jeffB like this.
  17. Lon Chaney

    Lon Chaney Well-Known Member

    Let us know how it goes.
  18. rte

    rte Well-Known Member

    A whole lot of nothing.
    2 Canadian cents...1963/2001
    That will teach me.
    The loose change will go to the casino and back in circulation.
    Maybe the casino will pay me for my time.
    Lon Chaney likes this.
  19. Cheech9712

    Cheech9712 Every thing is a guess

    I have them all. With help
    Michael K likes this.
  20. Cheech9712

    Cheech9712 Every thing is a guess

  21. Dustin McDaniel

    Dustin McDaniel Well-Known Member

    IMG_20240103_002757.jpg I won't go into all the details but I was able to hunt 6 boxes of quarters plus 5 rolls as well as 3 boxes of dimes plus 5 rolls. A LOT of crh for one day and didn't really feel like I got a whole lot.
    1- 1964 quarter
    2-1964 dimes
    6- W quarters
    1- 2005 Panama quarter
    3- possible "snowy roof" Nebraska Homestead quarters.
    I mostly hunt for the purpose of finding silver. Not to much into errors etc. If I run across the coins I know may have errors I usually check them out (quarters only). On dimes it's a silver hunt only, open, scan edges, dump, repeat.
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