Roll-searchers, post your results!

Discussion in 'Coin Roll Hunting' started by chicken_little, Oct 24, 2005.

  1. SlipperySocks

    SlipperySocks Well-Known Member

    20181010_195123-1.jpg 20181010_184046-1.jpg 20181010_184415-1.jpg Nickel box results;
    2-45P War nickels
    2015 Dryer coin
    1990D Nicely toned
    1996P wood grain??
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2018
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  3. ace71499

    ace71499 Young Numismatic

    Not a current CRH but I finally got an album for all the Ikes I CRHed. I kept the best ones for this purpose. All are AU/BU (leaning toward more BU). I also included examples of type 1 and 2 1976 dollars! 20181010_201811.jpg
  4. Endeavor

    Endeavor Well-Known Member

  5. sodbuster

    sodbuster Junior Member

    Found a box of MWR halves. Not a LOT of silver, but enough to stay interested. 11 NIFC (all odd years). 1 40%, 1 badly MAD, and one 1917 Walker

    Attached Files:

  6. Sam Carter

    Sam Carter Well-Known Member

    My weekly update. Few skunk boxes early in the week. 16 total Loomis boxes. 24.04 ounces found in:

    109-40% JFKs
    17-90% JFKs
    4- Franklins
    1-ugly 87d
    1-82 Panama Balboa
    1- south of the border token
    1- 1967 Gold plated(first)
    1-2015 Gold plated
    1-1969s impaired proof

    Question; see the toned 1965. Natural or chemical?

  7. TexAg

    TexAg Well-Known Member

    Good job, Sam! Was excited when a branch teller told me a church collection dump happened yesterday in their coin machine and the half dollar amount jumped from just a few dollars to $515. Bought the bag and it was likely a church offering by a CRHer who dumped his searched coins. Not a single silver which is very odd for a bag. The only saving grace (pun intended, lol) was I did find 6 NIFCs.
    berto likes this.
  8. SchwaVB57

    SchwaVB57 Well-Known Member

    A box of nickels gave up today 2-39P, 2-40P, 40D, 40S, 41, 2-41D, 41S, 42D, 43D, 43S, 44D, 45S, a few 50's and @midtncoin 2 09P and an 09D.
  9. bhh

    bhh Well-Known Member

    Today.JPG Missed you guys, been very busy.... Here is today and yesterday.
    Arby, AllCoExpat, berto and 6 others like this.
  10. midtncoin

    midtncoin Well-Known Member

    So you're getting them all! No wonder I can't find any.
  11. SchwaVB57

    SchwaVB57 Well-Known Member

    I will send you a 09P if you PM me your address information.
    CREATIVECRHUNTER likes this.
  12. midtncoin

    midtncoin Well-Known Member

    My challenge is to find one through random chance. I've actually got a handful in mint and proof sets. But the missing 09P is the one coin I'm still needing to complete my experiment of getting a full set 1960-2018 out of roll searching.
    SlipperySocks and SchwaVB57 like this.
  13. Cheech9712

    Cheech9712 Every thing is a guess

  14. Cheech9712

    Cheech9712 Every thing is a guess

    Dude BU's are tough
  15. Cheech9712

    Cheech9712 Every thing is a guess

  16. Cheech9712

    Cheech9712 Every thing is a guess

    You must have a tub full
  17. Cheech9712

    Cheech9712 Every thing is a guess

    I still need a 64-D
    SlipperySocks likes this.
  18. Cheech9712

    Cheech9712 Every thing is a guess

    Do 64D come in mint sets. If so i might have one
  19. berto

    berto Well-Known Member

    I stopped at 5 banks today and accumulated some halves: $7 loose, $300 CWRs, and $60 MWRs. Nothing in the loose. $160 of the $300 CWRs were an obvious dump (marked rolls) from one of my competitors, so they yielded nothing. I will search the remainder plus about 1.5 boxes of halves this weekend.

    GL all!
  20. berto

    berto Well-Known Member

    All the remaining rolls were a bust, blah. I’ll search the boxes later.
  21. nickelsorter2017

    nickelsorter2017 Active Member

    Took a break. Bought $20 nickels from CU that sometimes rolls it's own bags. Almost fell on the floor as 2 rolls yielded 10 buffalo nickels!!! holy crap! Also found 16 others pre-1960: 39p,2x40p,40s,41d,41s,46p,48p,2x49p,54d,55d,2x57d,58d and 59d. Somebody must have raided a collection!
    Scans are Row1: 36, 37, 36, 37
    Row2: dateless 18s, 20s nearly dateless, 36
    Row3: dateless 2 more dateless, dateless 23
    There is hope if you search long enough!
    nickels 001.jpg nickels2 001.jpg
    Arby, bhh, AllCoExpat and 8 others like this.
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