Roll-searchers, post your results!

Discussion in 'Coin Roll Hunting' started by chicken_little, Oct 24, 2005.

  1. Goodwin83

    Goodwin83 Active Member

    Box of cents yielded 18 wheats - 58D (x3)/ 57D (x3)/ 56/ 52D/ 50D/ 46 (x2)/ 46D (x2)/ 45/ 45D/ 45S/ 41D/ 36

    3 canadians including this one
    P9010016.JPG P9010015.JPG
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  3. davidharmier60firefox

    davidharmier60firefox Well-Known Member

    Forgot. I got a 1997 Barbados penny in one of the penny rolls. 2017-09-02 07.54.20.jpg
    2017-09-02 07.55.52.jpg
  4. Bambam8778

    Bambam8778 Well-Known Member

    I tend to find the confederation anniversary cent every now and then but never this one! Very nice! Hope I can catch one of these in a box soon!
    Goodwin83 likes this.
  5. berto

    berto Well-Known Member

    JonJ, I ordered halves from a WF last week with no problem. I've ordered from WFs in 4 different states and found if another CRHer has ordered too much at a branch in the past, then the branch won't order. If another CRHer has not burned out the branch you try to order from, then you should be okay to place an order.

  6. davidharmier60firefox

    davidharmier60firefox Well-Known Member

    Went to the drive through at the bank and traded.
    Got all Loomis. Will start with dimes after I finish lunch.
  7. davidharmier60firefox

    davidharmier60firefox Well-Known Member

    Dagnabbit! All the dimes are 2017D.
    Now for nickels.
  8. JonJ

    JonJ Member

    Berto, awesome, now I just need to open an account there. Thanks!
    berto likes this.
  9. Goodwin83

    Goodwin83 Active Member

    Another box of cents this one was average at 15 wheats - 58/ 57D (x2)/ 56D (x2)
    54D/ 51D/ 47S/ 46/ 45/ 42/ 42D (x2)/ possible 1924 but its pretty worn and one is too corroded I can't read it. Also picked out 7 canadians 44,65,80,81,89,99x2
    Mad Stax and bhh like this.
  10. davidharmier60firefox

    davidharmier60firefox Well-Known Member

    Since there is no banking until Tuesday I'm not going to fly through the remaining rolls.
  11. davidharmier60firefox

    davidharmier60firefox Well-Known Member

    I went through the rest of the nickels last evening.
    Got a war nickel. But not as good as the one I already had.
    Pennies today.
    Goodwin83 and bhh like this.
  12. Bman33

    Bman33 Well-Known Member

    Box of MWR halves: 42D; 3 40%ers
    $7.00 of loose halves: 1 40%er.

    Ended my 5 box skunk streak. The Walker was Spray Painted Silver or dipped in some silver stuff. I don't think it's polished or whizzed.

    IMG_0927.JPG IMG_0928.JPG
  13. bhh

    bhh Well-Known Member

    Four halves scraped up by the tellers today...3 clad and this... WL.png sorry for the blur...hands kept shaking.
  14. Bman33

    Bman33 Well-Known Member

    It's a Walker day
    bhh likes this.
  15. davidharmier60firefox

    davidharmier60firefox Well-Known Member

    I went to both banks. CWR dimes and nickels.
    MWR (almost certainly Loomis) pennies.
    Dimes were good for a slightly better 1974D and decent 65 and 67. Probably will get to the nickels before the day is over.
    bhh likes this.
  16. berto

    berto Well-Known Member

    Congratulations on the walkers!

    I was curious, so I checked my 4 years of CRHing records and discovered I've found only 2 walkers in 128 boxes and $4,276 worth of CWRs.
    bhh likes this.
  17. theshoegazer

    theshoegazer Well-Known Member

    $21 loose halves: 6 x 40% (inc. a couple of gorgeous BU-looking 1969-D's)
    $5 Ikes: nothing of note

    Also got a 1939 (P) nickel in change today.
    berto, Bman33 and bhh like this.
  18. bhh

    bhh Well-Known Member

    Thanks, I was floored when she put it on the counter...can't beat it for 50 cents.

    That is an amazing statistic!
    berto likes this.
  19. Bman33

    Bman33 Well-Known Member

    I think I have only found about 18 in over a year and a half. Fun to find. One night I did four boxes of halves and found two obverse WL Enders!
    berto likes this.
  20. davidharmier60firefox

    davidharmier60firefox Well-Known Member

    Nickels gave no needs. They did give a very nice 1964P, a possible just released 70S and a nice 70D.
    And an 09P of which I need a better example of but not sure this one is better rather than different.
  21. vintagemintage

    vintagemintage Well-Known Member

    I've found almost 2½ rolls of Walkers but searched over 1200 boxes to do it. (1.2 million halves) Last November I found 2 in the same box and one was a '38-D!
    berto and Bman33 like this.
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