Roll-searchers, post your results!

Discussion in 'Coin Roll Hunting' started by chicken_little, Oct 24, 2005.

  1. FadeToBlack

    FadeToBlack New Member

    He's a high roller with a gambling addiction, that's why they put up with him. I remember him saying he sold a ton of 40% to cover a $5k loss he incurred at Atlantic City, lol. He's an idiot, but hey... whatever floats his boat. Local casinos to me, I'm not sure if they'd take bulk halves like that or not, I should try sometime, lol.

    I only managed to snag 3 boxes today, got a lot of work tomorrow and Saturday now, oops. That's what happens when I stay up until 5am lol.
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  3. jlaramie

    jlaramie New Member

    Since we are on the topic of casino's. I have been meaning to create a post asking if casino's produced? I have looked it up and haven't found much info other than that the coins themselves most likely would have suffered quite of abuse. So does anyone know if casino's would be a good place to hunt? (West Coast, Nevada?)
  4. placement93

    placement93 Member

    $25 CWR cents: 7 wheats, including a 1909! Yeah, it's kind of ugly, but I paid one 2012 zinc cent for it. 7 wheat total, 82-D small date and two dimes. 900% ROI on each dime! If only we could find an IRA with that kind of return... DSCN0016.jpg DSCN0017.jpg
  5. clorox

    clorox Member

    I've wondered that, too. Part of me thinks that with the amount of coin that casinos circulate there must be some good stuff hiding somewhere. But another part thinks that people who have been around casinos long enough either as patrons or employees will already know all the tricks of the trade. I hear a lot of casinos are switching to electronic slots with vouchers instead of dropping coins, so it might be harder to find a place willing to cash out a few G's in halves.

    That said, I'm down for a road trip to Reno or Tahoe if you are! :D

    Today's results from three boxes of halves: Just a 1991 D with a medium sized clip:
    1991 D Kennedy clipped.jpg
  6. simpsonfan2

    simpsonfan2 New Member

    Everyone of us who complains about getting someone else's dumps is probably supplying someone else who is roll searching. Unfortunately there is a finite supply of good stuff, when it is removed from circulation, it's gone.

    As for casinos, I haven't seen any dime or half dollar slots in a long time. And they usually have their own dollars. When I did play slots I would do a quick check for anything interesting, found a few old nickles, an occasional hole filler, but nothing special.

    Today's results:

    $5 Pennies: 88 copper, 2 extra, a dime, 1952D, 1958D

    $20 Nickels: 1947S, 1958D, 1 Canadian, 1943S War.

    $25 Dimes: 1960D.

    $380 Quartres: 1987 Korean guy with hat. South Korean, I'd like a North Korean.

    $90 Half Dollars: 1966, 2 X 1968D.

    So today WAS another day.
  7. NOS

    NOS Former Coin Hoarder

    I don't have much prior experience but I will be staying in Laughlin on January 2nd at a casino that still uses coins in their slot machines. I figure for around $25 a night, why not have some fun going through some buckets full of nickels and quarters in my room? I don't think they have machines that use half dollars but I will check when I go there.

    Nearly all casinos have converted but there are still some casinos out there that use coins in their slot machines. I think some are intentionally keeping them coin-operated for the novelty value in an attempt to draw in gamblers who like to use real coins when they play.
  8. TaborTot22

    TaborTot22 Well-Known Member

    Box of Halves: SKUNKaRoo!
  9. Mr. Flute

    Mr. Flute Well-Known Member

    $50 CWR/BWR nickels - 43-P and D and 2x56.

    Getting that 43-D leaves me with only 38-S, 39-D and 44-S to find from circulation.
  10. jlaramie

    jlaramie New Member

    Good luck in Laughlin and let us know how you do there. Have fun and thanks for the info!
  11. Gedon_Althor

    Gedon_Althor Member

    YIPPEE!! got 2 CWR at BoA, 8 40%er's.... 1~1965, 1~1966, 2~1967 and 4~1969s!!! Best day i've had ever, except when a teller pulled 10 40%1/2's for me 2 years ago dscf2462 (2).jpg
  12. sodbuster

    sodbuster Junior Member

    Back for the first time in a long time. Checked $25 in customer wrapped pennies. Nothing too spectacular:
    7 wheats (4 '40s, 3 50s), 2 CDN, 14.48% copper.
  13. Darchangel

    Darchangel Active Member

    Nice day in the field!
    box of halves - 40% x5
    box 1 dimes - 4 roosies
    box 2 dimes - 2 roosies

  14. bigstoff

    bigstoff Active Member


    2012-12-21 07.33.51.jpg Yo new b tring to post a pic
  15. Inquisitive

    Inquisitive Starting 2 know something

    $100 in CWR halves - skunk.
  16. jlaramie

    jlaramie New Member

    Box of Halves - Skunked

    Hope my next one breaks this 4 skunk streak.
  17. silversearcher8

    silversearcher8 New Member

    Box of dimes - two silver '64s.
  18. Mr. Flute

    Mr. Flute Well-Known Member

    $20 BWR nickels - a really crusty, corroded 1899 Liberty and a 85-S proof.

    My first Liberty nickel from CRH!
  19. Hellofthenorth

    Hellofthenorth New Member

    Just picked up $1000 in halves, SOLID BU 1999 P's. You got to be kidding me, I'm 12 silver coins away from my goal and I get this!

    I wonder if I can flip any on Ebay for profit

  20. TaborTot22

    TaborTot22 Well-Known Member

    Box of Half Dollars from the FUTURE!!!!!! :)

    DSCN4453.JPG DSCN4456.JPG

  21. simpsonfan2

    simpsonfan2 New Member

    That's the expiration date, you better check them and dump them before they spoil, or you'll be out of luck.

    Today's results:

    $18 Nickles: 1940P, 1948D, 1954S.

    $40 Dimes: Skunk.

    $100 Quarters: Skunk.
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