Part 3 of the Kazakhstan Totem Animals Series

Discussion in 'World Coins' started by ddddd, Jan 1, 2022.

  1. ddddd

    ddddd Member

    Ever since I picked up the first two coins in the Totem Animals series from Kazakhstan, I've been eagerly awaiting the third coin. While dated 2020, it took well into 2021 for it to be released (November 2021) and I only received mine a few days ago from a seller in Kazakhstan. I'm happy to add it to the set (and even opted to get both the silver proof and base metal "prooflike" vs just the silver in previous years).

    Here are the threads for the first two:

    D1DF068A-F787-42DA-8F26-DEB57A1A80CC.jpeg 1249E770-1296-44B8-852A-B73223E1A88C.jpeg
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  3. ddddd

    ddddd Member

    Comparing this one to the first two (silver versions), the deer is more similar to the owl while the wolf was most different. The reverses are virtually identical between the deer and owl (while the wolf is completely different with the denomination and year in the middle instead of the coat of arms). The obverses are different among all three. In part that seems to be based on how the animals are depicted (the owl's wings and the deer's antlers help determine what is in the border of each). The font of the writing on the obverse is improved on the deer compared to the owl-where it blended in with the border.

    Mintages (silver versions) are as follows:
    Kokbori - 3,000
    Uki - 3,000
    Bugy - 3,500

    While the Bugy has a higher mintage, it was more difficult to acquire. The popularity of the first two caused sellers to be more aggressive in pricing these. It was also only available on the mint's online store so that might have made it more difficult for some to acquire (in previous years, Kazakhstan sold all coin at bank branches across the country).
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2022
  4. Mkman123

    Mkman123 Well-Known Member

    Love the design, really nice. Beats most countries like Canada.
    ddddd likes this.
  5. ddddd

    ddddd Member

    Thank you!
  6. Mkman123

    Mkman123 Well-Known Member

    digging these designs, looks very nice!
    ddddd likes this.
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