Let's see your newest acquisitions!

Discussion in 'US Coins Forum' started by H8_modern, Feb 25, 2011.

  1. Theborer

    Theborer Well-Known Member

    I todays mail ms65 and ms64 wide rim IMG_7729.jpeg IMG_7728.jpeg
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  3. bradgator2

    bradgator2 Well-Known Member

    Quite nice for 35 imo

  4. well it cost a few quarters... P1010029.JPG
  5. bsowa1029

    bsowa1029 Franklin Half Addict

    First purchase of 2025
    IMG_4811.jpeg IMG_4812.jpeg
  6. mpcusa

    mpcusa "Official C.T. TROLL SWEEPER"

    Here's my latest 1857 $20 liberty.
  7. mpcusa

    mpcusa "Official C.T. TROLL SWEEPER"

  8. mpcusa

    mpcusa "Official C.T. TROLL SWEEPER"

  9. mpcusa

    mpcusa "Official C.T. TROLL SWEEPER"

  10. ksparrow

    ksparrow Coin Hoarder Supporter

    That's a sweet $20 mpcusa! Looks more like an AU58 to me.
  11. dwhiz

    dwhiz Collector Supporter

    On the way to me.
    1939 DDR Rev Of 40 FS-801 NGC AU55 Jefferson Nickel1939 DDR Rev Of 40 FS801 S1-horz.jpg
  12. Millard

    Millard Coindog Supporter

    dwhiz likes this.
  13. nothing to see here, at a pf62. goes good in the example collection. P1010049.JPG
  14. KBBPLL

    KBBPLL Well-Known Member

    Just arrived, 1901 10c NGC PR64, Reverse 3 (thick ribbon). The end of a collecting era for me, as this was the last of 21 Barber dime hub transition varieties I've slowly been acquiring. Very glossy reflective appearance.

    Its sibling, 1901 10c PCGS PR63, Reverse 2 (thin ribbon). Picked up a little over a year ago but I don't think I ever posted it here.
  15. Barney McRae

    Barney McRae Well-Known Member

    It may be the lighting in the photo, but the one on top looks awesome, the bottom one not as good. I do not not know one thing about any of the Barber series of any the denominations. I try to keep my ignorance contained to Morgan Dollars. :D
    KBBPLL likes this.
  16. KBBPLL

    KBBPLL Well-Known Member

    These are the only proof coins I own aside from a 1971-S Ike, so I know very little about them either. Both are rather dark with age, and thus difficult to photograph. Originally I didn't intend to get the proof anomalies but once I went down the rat hole I had to finish it. Because the mint switched to the newer Reverse 3 for the June and subsequent September and December proof deliveries (presumably, based on research), I'm suspecting the glossy one was from fresher dies or they did something different with them. You can see that the obverse dies were different based on the date position. Their appearance is more similar in the seller images, below.
  17. Barney McRae

    Barney McRae Well-Known Member

    I still say your one on top is way nicer than the one below it. Just based on my raw eye appeal. I see a lot of stuff online that is graded and still can't comprehend how graders based their opinions on. I generally hate toned coins unless it is lightly toned, enhances the look and doesn't take away from a coin's luster. Yet everyone has different tastes, so the world goes. I don't know enough about Barber dimes to even know what value you have going on here. It's okay, I am quite sure my posts of interest bore 95% of the membership here. :D
  18. KBBPLL

    KBBPLL Well-Known Member

    And my posts bore 99%. You want to talk about comprehending graders, look at proof Barber dimes. How they decide the difference between PR64 and PR67 is beyond the grasp of mortal men.
    Barney McRae and dwhiz like this.
  19. numist

    numist Member Supporter

    Pics don't show the colors of the toning. Much better in hand. IMG_20250110_135054083~2.jpg IMG_20250110_135103753~5.jpg
  20. Barney McRae

    Barney McRae Well-Known Member

    Would you say there is date doubling underneath the 188 or lighting shadows? I have a hard time telling the difference.
  21. ... an example of a worn die and cleaned....for the example album cleaned.JPG face one.JPG back.JPG
    dwhiz likes this.
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