The previous 6 medallions were in this case, even though they are from 3 different sets/issues of medallions,by 3 different companies. Must have been put together by somebody going thru unk's coin and token collection!
2 showed up today. The first was a whim purchase on eBay. Went for a nice price on a Society of Medalist item, and it's in pristine condition. It's #33 of the series, from 1946 so it has the nice deco look I gravitate towards. Perhaps it is the progenitor of the famous beauty pageant interview answer... But from a 10+ year want list I also got this one from the same seller. I actually bought it off his website after emailing to see if he had one. One of the ultimate Art Deco medal examples out there. Leda and the Swan. Not sure of the story on the sticker on the reverse, but I'm leaving it alone. (edited--technically they showed up Friday or Saturday, but I was at work all weekend so I only got to open up the package today!)
Gateway to Area 51 who knew they had their own slots! Wooden nickel LCS Michigan card room chip
A few odds and ends Actually got 2 of these This is from a closed local shop whose owner is still at shows and a member of my coin club And the best thing about "not really a coin shop" coin shops, not knowing the value of coin books. I got these 2 books for $8 each!
Old Price Riots, 1809 Several medals/medalets were associated with the 1809 riots. Here's one example and a site that explains what happened. BHM 675, Eimer 1005 Fremont Vegas
A few, recent acquisitions .... SPRAGUE & BLODGETT / GEORGIA MINSTRELS / ADMIT ONE. This was the first, original all-black minstrel troupe. The prints are from a song sheet that was produced by a member of the minstrel troupe. The host coin is an 1876 half dollar, being the price of admission. Much of the reverse design is virtually obliterated. Brunk listed fourteen specimens in 2003, all half dollars, with 1877 being the latest year. The J. DEMUTH / WARRANTED counterstamp is an early gunsmith piece from the Lancaster, Pa. region. It's believed to be the issue of John (Johannes) Demuth. The host coin is an 1823 large cent. There are ten or more specimens as yet recorded, with the latest dated piece being 1832. This issue thus qualifies as a Hard Times token. J. Demuth marks are found on flintlock rifles.
Counterstamped 3 Pfenninge of Prussia; circa 1821-1840. "Spittal" is both a town and a district in present day Austria. Found this piece in an antique store in Oregon.
When the British monetary system underwent decimalization on 15 February 1971, the division of their money changed. This 1970 five pence coin was counterstamped "1 shilling", indicating the new value assigned to it. Prior to decimalization a shilling (or "bob") was equivalent to 12 pence.
I've seen a few of these pieces on auction sites, and thought briefly about bidding, but never did. Thanks for showing yours. Bruce
Here's my Demuth stamp, Bill, with added initials. I'd love to be able to figure out who P.H. is. Bruce Sliver City casino Vegas
Found this Australia 3 Pence this past spring. It has two Reverses, one D one not. Must have been done for a Jewelry piece.
A medal which was part of a set produced in tribute to great coin designers. This one honors Christian Gobfecht (spelling?) They are made by the medal arts co., have edge lettering/numbered. (Not shown here)) Working from memory here. 7oz. Of .999 silver. Big and beautiful.