Keep them flowing please. Tokens/Medals are fun to collect lots history and stories behind all that detail for their customer ect....
I bought this from Steve Hayden a few months ago, but haven't been able to attribute it. Hayden thought it was from Philadelphia because of the address, and I thought he might be right. Unfortunately, I couldn't trace anyone named Phillips to this address there. I searched city directories for about 40 years but came up empty It looks to be some sort of saloon token c1870s (?) but the eagle on the reverse tells me it may not be. I don't know anymore about it now than when I first got it. I'm not done yet though. Can't pass on a challenge. Any ideas? Bruce
V Vent away, Jack! I feel for you my friend. Fortunately, I saw the light sometime ago and have been keeping my research and everything else up to date. Makes things much easier. Bruce
Another nice one Idhair! I had an example of VanCott in my collection when I was into merchant tokens. I wonder if the time on the clock has any significance to the issuer or the die sinker? 1:38, Hmm! Bruce
Some cool car tokens 1911 Gates Mystery Car Winner - There is a great story on the internet about this medal. Remember the days when the gas attendant would fill your tank and do all checking over your car. Well a Gates sales rep would drive to gas stations and if gas attendant did all the checking, your oil, hoses, tires, belt, gas cap ect. He would hand the gas attendant this medal and a plaque and a silver peace dollar. 1837 State of Michigan Auto State 1955 GM Car Show Coin Meter Token
1964 Nick Gray Memorial "Cook Inlet Native Association" Nice medal of boy diving in pond - blank on reverse with no name but very ornate medal. Any input would be appreciated. 1972 Safe ty medal
I do pretty good bidding in his auctions, Jack. I won 3 out of 5 in his January Mail Bid Sale. As a bonus, it was the three that I wanted the most. This token though I got from his eBay auction. I don't think anyone else wanted it, but I really like the look of it...and the challenge of finding out who Phillips was. I also visit him at coin shows if he's set up. Always at all three shows in Baltimore. I rarely miss one. Anything coin-wise going on over there, Jack? Have you found any shops or coin clubs to get involved with? Bruce
Bruce? For what it's worth, I did a little searching this afternoon and came up empty handed. Good luck in your research.....
Thanks, Ken. I appreciate any help that comes my way. I also checked Cincinnati directories, but still have others to look at. A time consuming way to research a piece, but it sometimes pays off in a big way. This is one I think I'll find, eventually. Thanks again Ken. Bruce
I'm right across the river in Jersey, Ken. I know the city very well. As a matter of fact, I worked at a hotel on Walnut St. many years ago. Bruce
Well Bruce, there appears to be about three coin clubs near me. I would like to get involved with them, but I don't know about driving there an hour then however long it takes then driving back. Coin stores...seems like most places are mail order only. Nearest "store" is about 40 minutes away though if you look up the address, it's a house. So I'm a little bummed about that. I had a trip planned to Bath but then my wife had to leave the country for a family emergency and that trip was scrapped. Heading to Spain soon...maybe I can find something there?
Hello all! Check this one out. I even have the guys at my local coin shop baffled. Had to add it to the Token Catalog