Is My Two Headed/Tailed Coin Real?

Discussion in 'Error Coins' started by jtwax, Nov 8, 2004.

  1. Al Heline

    Al Heline Junior Member

    Interesting thread except that the original story is no longer available. Very interesting since I just found (this morning) a Jeff nickel with 1994P Obverse and a 1986P (head) on the Reverse side. The coin is AU on both sides. Haven't had time to photo it yet, I showed it to my wife and came on-line to find out what I could find out, and here I am.

    Can somebody lead me to the original article that is in the sticky thread from JTWAX? I would like to read how/when/where this is being done.

    I am almost certain that this is a else would you have a coin with two different dates, 8 years apart?


    FAKE: Found where the 1994P coin had been machined out on the reverse side and the obverse of the 1986P coin was installed. There is a slight ridge between the two surfaces and a definite line all the way around the coin where the insert (1986P Obverse) was inserted.

    Still would like to read the original sticky article if anyone can lead me to it.
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  3. hontonai

    hontonai Registered Contrarian

    J.T.'s article seems to be lost forever, but this one by Ken Potter is still available.
  4. Al Heline

    Al Heline Junior Member

    Thanks Hontonai, that one is very specific and answers a couple of questions. I weighed the nickel against others and the weight is right at 6gr, though it feels heavy. The "thud" is there though, no ring at all.

    Thanks again.....
  5. Speedy

    Speedy Researching Coins Supporter isn't lost...I'm just trying to find out if I can use it.
    You see--that article had been copyrighted Since I now own that domain name does anyone know if that means I can use it on the website again?
    Some of the other articles were (C) J Taylor, but some were with with the domain name.

  6. hontonai

    hontonai Registered Contrarian

    How about a three-part answer:

    1. Unless the transfer of the domain paperwork expressly assigned copyrights to you, you are not the owner.
    2. Since JT himself originally posted it to this forum, restoring that post with a corrected link would not seem to be a copyright infringement.
    3. Not being an intellectual property specialist, I can't give any assurance of the accuracy of my legal opinion on a copyright issue.
  7. Speedy

    Speedy Researching Coins Supporter

    #1--well there was no paperwork.
    Just an email saying that I hated to see the domain name go to spammers since he was going to let it go. I paid a small ammount and he transfered the domian name to my accoun.t

    If I restore the post I will need to restore it to the website and then fix the link in this thread. That is why I havent yet. I've written JT and asked about reprinting a few of the different articles and have never heardback.


    GDJMSP Numismatist Moderator

    Write him again, tell him what you would like to do and ask his permission. Keep writing until he answers.
  9. leanback

    leanback leanback

  10. Speedy

    Speedy Researching Coins Supporter

    If you are talking about the hole in the date--that is post mint damage. If the coin appears to have 2 heads, then post a photo of the other side.

    Since I'm pretty sure we are talking about the hole I will go from there - The only thing that could cause something like that from the mint is a strike throu, and I'm quite sure this isn't one. I'm no expert on errors, and maybe one will be by with a detailed answer.

    If my answer is correct, then there wouldn't be any reason to have it graded, because there is no extra value other than face value.

  11. SkullReap99

    SkullReap99 Coin Collector

    i found a 2 headed quarter and i think most of them are counterfeit iron coins. Dont try to spend them or youll end up in jail:headbang:
  12. 19Lyds

    19Lyds Member of the United States of Confusion


    Why'd this one get dug up?

    Oh well,

    I've got a couple of 1964 Kennedy's that I purchased from a respected coin dealer and have even found a couple during my roll searches.

    Spending them is not a real good idea but then, other than collect and sell, what else can you do with them?
  13. LewR

    LewR Junior Member

    I wonder if it is as nice as my very rare copper 1943 cent. I'll post some pix if I can get the freakin magnet off of it... :p
  14. redwin117

    redwin117 Junior Member

  15. sunflower

    sunflower New Member

    Wow. How cool, so very cool. How did you come to have this coin? Was it from a roll?, or in spare change?- Thanks for posting.
  16. overo86

    overo86 Junior Member

    two headed kennedy

    I have had and still do, a kennedy silver 1964 with two heads. I got it ohh about 20 + years ago.
    just a novelty fun thing i carry, Heads I win, tails YOU win.
    it is silver, only reason I keep now.:goofer:
  17. redwin117

    redwin117 Junior Member

  18. tmoneyeagles

    tmoneyeagles Indian Buffalo Gatherer

    I highly doubt anybody will ever buy that coin unless it is certified by a TPG that people actually know about.
    What is holding you back from getting the coin graded? If you believe this is a $12,000,000 coin, wouldn't you want the best chance of selling it?
  19. redwin117

    redwin117 Junior Member

    Is My two heade/Tailed Coin real?

    I do have many offer but is not Best yet, they want to make sure that Mr.Alan Hager is around.One of my buyer will going to ask or seeing him for confirmation If he really certified the coin. This coin was certified in public Baltimore Coin Show in Maryland year 2000, His helper almost made a mistake using dime holder instead of penny holder.Some borse table near him see the coin after certifying it. A priceless coin others remarks.Buyer wants history who grade the coin..The Inventor of slabbing coins & card and professional expert in Numismatist World. Mr. Alan Hager of Accugrade.:hammer:
  20. tmoneyeagles

    tmoneyeagles Indian Buffalo Gatherer

    That title doesn't mean a whole lot to a lot of people, also keep in mind you are asking 12,000,000. That is nearly 5,000,000 more than any coin has ever sold for.
    You know that does sound a bit ridiculous. And people that have that money, probably don't want their coin in an Accugrade holder.
    All I'm saying is people, like myself, would take you more seriously if that coin was in a reputable TPG holder.
    Saying that Hager did it, and having documentation are two different things.
    You get a picture with him, and documentation and his signature you might have a chance, but all that can just be secondary if PCGS graded it.
  21. Ltrain

    Ltrain New Member

    I'll give you ten bucks.
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