Hello, Hola, Aloha and any other way it's said. LOL. It's Sunday again and a brand New thread, called, "Indian Head Cent Sunday!". Please post yours as well. Here are just a few of mine.
Really Nice! Too bad you're missing a couple. Most of mine are "dug". I was fortunate to find an 1859 and an 1870. Too bad they're green and worn. Seems like the earlier one's didn't hold up well in the ground.
Most of mine were in change, trading in our little swap meets or from an old man in the neighborhood. He had coffee cans full of them. I would help him and his sister with yard work and he would dump out a few and let me pick some.
I sold my IHC collection this year, only keeping two for my type set. I still need to replace the 1859. I still like the design but my collecting interests moved on and I needed to fund those new endeavors.