How do all the old timers feel about "silver stackers?"

Discussion in 'Bullion Investing' started by myownprivy, Mar 13, 2017.

  1. -jeffB

    -jeffB Greshams LEO Supporter

    How's that? Am I failing to check my tall privilege?
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  3. longnine009

    longnine009 Darwin has to eat too. Supporter

    What of it? If they are going to kill you, you have nothing to lose by offering a bribe.
  4. TheMont

    TheMont Well-Known Member

    Every single agency you listed is a Federal Agency. Each one is subject to the rules, regulations or laws of congress. I am now going to stop discussing this. This thread was a discussion of older people stacking silver, not a discussion of law and politics.
  5. longnine009

    longnine009 Darwin has to eat too. Supporter

    What exactly does that mean? I wouldn't want to distort your post.
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2017
  6. FryDaddyJr

    FryDaddyJr Junior Member

    unless they slice you open to retrieve the rest of your stash.
  7. V. Kurt Bellman

    V. Kurt Bellman Yes, I'm blunt! Get over your "feeeeelings".

    You know... with 30 pieces of silver some pretty significant historical events have been known to go down. Jus' sayin'.

    For example, I was able to push my old Subaru past 300,000 miles with a rebuilt tranny. :D 30 sold Maples at $41 a pop. Change left over.
  8. V. Kurt Bellman

    V. Kurt Bellman Yes, I'm blunt! Get over your "feeeeelings".

    No more so, and no less so than the Federal Reserve.
  9. longnine009

    longnine009 Darwin has to eat too. Supporter

    Still doesn't change anything if they were going kill you anyway.
  10. FryDaddyJr

    FryDaddyJr Junior Member

    dumb reason to stack. and it would be gold anyway not 10 oz silver bars or junk silver
  11. longnine009

    longnine009 Darwin has to eat too. Supporter

    Thankyou for your profound insight.
  12. TheMont

    TheMont Well-Known Member

    Coin and Currency Collecting. What exactly is that? My definition, doesn't have to be yours, is to collect coins, currency, silver or gold rounds, silver or gold bars, art bars or anything that pleases you. Not anyone else, but what pleases you. Why you collect something is your business not anyone else's. No one has a right to judge you, except yourself. Simply put, if something makes you happy and gives you pleasure and is in your budget, then buy it and enjoy it.
    longnine009 and sakata like this.
  13. Santinidollar

    Santinidollar Supporter! Supporter

    Would somebody like to shoot this thread?

    slackaction1, Bman33 and Kentucky like this.
  14. sakata

    sakata Devil's Advocate

    So THAT's what FryDaddy really looks like! (Or is it Kurt? Not sure if he is still contributing.)
    slackaction1 likes this.
  15. V. Kurt Bellman

    V. Kurt Bellman Yes, I'm blunt! Get over your "feeeeelings".

    Quite certain YOU'RE not contributing anything worthwhile.
  16. slackaction1

    slackaction1 Supporter! Supporter

    OH MY u guyz r cyber bullies... but I read the tread... and still buying a few ASE and stacking dimes... quarters...woooooohooooooo. in the end when I sell here in the early summer might make enough to buy my season mizzou football tickets or at least one...
  17. V. Kurt Bellman

    V. Kurt Bellman Yes, I'm blunt! Get over your "feeeeelings".

    Stacking AND Mizzou football??
    Sounds like an 0-2 count to me. :D
    myownprivy likes this.
  18. slackaction1

    slackaction1 Supporter! Supporter

    Yeah your probably RIGHT Kurt, but were at the bottomof the SEC only one way to go up like the silver..........UP AND UP AND AWAY..... You should try tailgating Kurt let out that stress....even its 3-7 season I love the interaction with opposing team fans....and their views and stories...
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 3, 2017
  19. saltysam-1

    saltysam-1 Junior Member

  20. saltysam-1

    saltysam-1 Junior Member

    [QUOTE=" if something makes you happy and gives you pleasure and is in your budget, then buy it and enjoy it.[/QUOTE]

    OMG! Don't let my wife read this. :>)
    slackaction1 likes this.
  21. V. Kurt Bellman

    V. Kurt Bellman Yes, I'm blunt! Get over your "feeeeelings".

    OMG! Don't let my wife read this. :>)[/QUOTE]

    I found having a wife to be "not within my budget".
    mikenoodle and saltysam-1 like this.
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