Does a "QA" sticker add any value?

Discussion in 'US Coins Forum' started by Dan Spendlove, Jul 9, 2023.

  1. Dan Spendlove

    Dan Spendlove UncleDano

    I am familiar with the CAC stickers, but wonder about the QA stickers I have seen on slabs. Are they an added value to a coin? And who provides these? I was told that any dealer can buy these and stick them on their coins, is this true?

    Her is a photo of one:

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  3. okbustchaser

    okbustchaser I may be old but I still appreciate a pretty bust Supporter

    Best Answer
    No sticker will add value to a coin regardless of who offers it--not even CAC.

    The reason that CAC, QA, EagleEye, etc stickers may sell for a premium in the open market is because they are (at least said to be) premium coins.

    AND PREMIUM COINS SELL FOR PREMIUM PRICES! Always have, always will.
    ToughCOINS likes this.
  4. green18

    green18 Unknown member Sweet on Commemorative Coins Supporter

    If it is then they are worth horse pucky
  5. Dan Spendlove

    Dan Spendlove UncleDano

    Thanks for that technical evaluation.
  6. green18

    green18 Unknown member Sweet on Commemorative Coins Supporter

    I don't think there's anything technical about that could put it on a steamer trunk and send it around the world. Oh, BTW, it adds absolutely no value to the slabbed piece.........
  7. Collecting Nut

    Collecting Nut Borderline Hoarder

    I’ve never seen a QA sticker. What does it mean? I wouldn’t pay any attention to it.
  8. LakeEffect

    LakeEffect Average Circulated Supporter

    I never heard of them either but Google found their web site. A CAC clone headed by someone named James Sego of JMS coins.


    To provide a value added third party verification of solid quality PCGS and NGC graded coins.
  9. messydesk

    messydesk Well-Known Member

    Not true unless you buy counterfeit ones.

    James Sego has been heading up QA-check since about 2015-16. They're put on modern series that are deemed to be solid coins for the grade. There is a gold sticker that goes on coins that have to be really special, usually very attractive toning or obviously undergraded. I've gone through boxes he was grading at shows to try and get some insight. Besides coins that just seem generously graded, spots end up killing most coins that don't get stickers. Black spots are a deal breaker above 64 on cents. A mark in the wrong place or unattractive toning will also prevent a sticker.
    -jeffB, ldhair, green18 and 2 others like this.
  10. dwhiz

    dwhiz Collector Supporter

    Now here's a very special sticker. $10 Gold Indian Moose.jpg
    Anthony Mazza, calcol and green18 like this.
  11. Burton Strauss III

    Burton Strauss III Brother can you spare a trime? Supporter

    James is very reputable and well-known. He's also a heck of a nice person to chat with.

    JMS coins. He's also part of the Ike Group (DIVA is like VAMS for Ikes).

    Believe it or not there are collectors for Ikes...
    mikenoodle likes this.
  12. calcol

    calcol Supporter! Supporter

    There are other companies or individuals who do stickering to indicate a coin is solid or better for the grade. Rick Snow has an Eagle Eye sticker for certain types of coins. Barry Stuppler has a PQ sticker for certain types of coins. Their value in the market is not nearly as broad as CAC stickers.

  13. Burton Strauss III

    Burton Strauss III Brother can you spare a trime? Supporter

    Correct. But some of them have value among the target population.

    For example, MOST IHC collectors will take Rick's word as gospel regardless of what anyone else says.

    SightWhite has some value for people who really, really, really hate toning.

    MessyDesk's VSS ( is another.
    dwhiz likes this.
  14. okbustchaser

    okbustchaser I may be old but I still appreciate a pretty bust Supporter

    Best Answer
    No sticker will add value to a coin regardless of who offers it--not even CAC.

    The reason that CAC, QA, EagleEye, etc stickers may sell for a premium in the open market is because they are (at least said to be) premium coins.

    AND PREMIUM COINS SELL FOR PREMIUM PRICES! Always have, always will.
    ToughCOINS likes this.
  15. delila1

    delila1 Undermedicated psychiatric patient

    I read that in cac’s ad. Sounds worse second hand
  16. okbustchaser

    okbustchaser I may be old but I still appreciate a pretty bust Supporter

    Appearing in an ad doesn't make it any less true. No sticker will make anything more valuable. They merely serve to point out particular coins which in the opinion of the supplier are worthy of a premium price. Whether or not one chooses to believe the applier is irrelevant. The coin is what the coin is.
  17. -jeffB

    -jeffB Greshams LEO Supporter

    Of course not. But coins that are able to earn a sticker, by virtue of being nice examples, are worth more. And what's the easiest way to demonstrate that a coin's able to earn a sticker? Put a sticker on it!
  18. Burton Strauss III

    Burton Strauss III Brother can you spare a trime? Supporter

    CAC certainly seems to talk about the stickers one way and CAC+collectors ACT the other way...
  19. charley

    charley Well-Known Member

    Can you clarify what your understanding of CAC+ collectors "ACT the other way" means?

    For context, what are you referring to by "CAC certainly seems to talk about the stickers one way..."?

    Is it possible that you are confusing CAC sticker evaluation with CACG grading?

    It could be a simple matter of confusion, because the very topic of how a + designation by CACG will be treated has been posted and does not at all appear to be an issue with collectors utilizing CAC and/or CACG.
  20. eddiespin

    eddiespin Fast Eddie

    It's a reputable endorsement on the grade making it an asset to an on-line bidder. @messydesk answered it.
  21. mpcusa

    mpcusa "Official C.T. TROLL SWEEPER"

    Here’s my multi snickered Indian

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  22. mpcusa

    mpcusa "Official C.T. TROLL SWEEPER"

    Last edited: Jul 12, 2023
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