Coinstar reject bin finds

Discussion in 'US Coins Forum' started by Car10, Jan 23, 2010.

  1. jensenbay

    jensenbay Well-Known Member

    Today I found a 1940 wheat cent, 2 dimes, 1 canada dime, and 5 common cents.
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  3. rush2112

    rush2112 Junior Member

    We have these machines up here in Canada, but most are inside a local supermarkets.
    Is this not theft if I take rejected coins that I did not put in?
    Not saying it's right or wrong but does finders-keepers apply here?
  4. Alex491

    Alex491 Boy Scout

    How do you access the "Coinstar reject bin?"
  5. jensenbay

    jensenbay Well-Known Member

    I consider the coins abandoned... so finders-keepers applies.

    There is an opening on the front of the machine... hard to miss.
  6. mizozuman2

    mizozuman2 that random guy

    well, i live in a gang town, so i found some bullets...
  7. iGradeMS70

    iGradeMS70 AKA BustHalfBrian

    Found a '49-S Roosevelt Dime a couple months back. I was pleasantly surprised... It was my first CoinStar reject find! Within a few minutes of finding that '49-S, I found a '62 and '64-D Roosie in my banker's teller tray. Those gray Silver rims were caught out of the corner of my eye. :)

  8. iGradeMS70

    iGradeMS70 AKA BustHalfBrian

    The reject "slot" (What it should be more accurately named) is located in the center of a CoinStar machine. This is where coins that are unaccepted by the machine are returned to the customer... Such as Silver composed coins and coins with a diameter less than 12mm. Recently (or it may have always been this way), CoinStars started not allowing these coins. "What's the reason for that?" you may ask? ... Well, that's anybody's guess.

  9. hpTeach

    hpTeach New Member

    Well worth the 10 seconds

    Over the years I've found numerous wheat cents and minor foreign coins. The notable finds are three silver dimes and a 1955 silver quarter, all at different times. Keep lookin'!
  10. Kasia

    Kasia Got my learning hat on

    Never hurts to look, it is finder's keepers, same as when you used to pass a phone booth (so outdated, I know), go inside and check the coin return. Most times it was empty, but sometimes you got some change.
  11. Tyler G.

    Tyler G. Active Member

    Found a 1963 Dime and a plastic penny once.
  12. CAL

    CAL Member

    I run into a lot of interesting Canadian coins at the coin star reject bins. Canadian coins turn up a lot in circulation in America. I'm sure our coins wind up in circulation in Canada. Ever find any interesting American coins in the reject bin up there?
  13. hpTeach

    hpTeach New Member

    Not quite a CoinStar but the "Fat Cat" coin counting machine at my local credit union had a Canadian quarter and a "Chuck E. Cheese" token in it today.

    Another place I look for "rejects" is at the self checkout machines at grocery stores. Even though the machine tells customers to take their bills, I will find a dollar bill once every other month or so. Twice my kids have found a $10 bill! I don't think I would have believed it if I hadn't been there with them.
  14. Magman

    Magman U.S. Money Collector

    ah yeah, I've found some change and a dollar bill before from those too.
  15. Doug21

    Doug21 Coin Hoarder

    I started looking after seeing this thread, must have checked 100+ since....finally found a Euro cent , 2005 or 2006 from Eire ( Ireland).

    I might save it for a tip at a restaurant with bad food/ service. It's very small, like smaller than a dime, should make the point....
  16. Alex491

    Alex491 Boy Scout

    I found a 1964 D silver quarter that I got from a piggy bank from my grandpa for Christmas.
  17. Mr. Flute

    Mr. Flute Well-Known Member

    A dateless Standing Liberty Quarter, today. Not bad.

    Along with a Canadian 1 and 5 cent and a UK 10 pence.
  18. bobbeth87

    bobbeth87 Coin Collector

    Awesome find!!!
  19. jensenbay

    jensenbay Well-Known Member

    Found a nickel and 2 cents today.
  20. Robert Paul

    Robert Paul Active Member

    I always check them.
    Found a silver dime and over $10 in the return slot once.
    Also two $1 casino tokens in the trash can next to it.
  21. robbudo

    robbudo Indian Error Collector

    Here is an interesting rejection bin find today! How can i tell if this is made out of silver???

    tokena.jpg tokenb.jpg tokenc.jpg
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