Yes, count me in Lord, if I win I'll choose that 1958-D Franklin Half! Good spot for me to show one of my tokens, here's an 1897 Native Sons of California Standing Bears Token!
I made lots of purchases for the giveaway stash while I was at the 2025 FUN show in Orlando. If you read through the whole of my show report, you will see several items that were declared as future giveaway prizes. Though it will take me a while to get them all listed in my Giveaway Gallery, you are welcome to select one of them as your prize for this contest, should you win the drawing. (*Note that this only applies to the items I specifically declared to be giveaway purchases, not the stuff I bought for my own collection- or the show n’ tell stuff none of us could afford.)
Please count me in. I would love to own the 1943 steel cent in the old NGC holder. I chose this one (even over a couple nice error coins and many interesting ancients) because I love what it represents. Our nation, deciding it can no longer stand idle, went through immense changes to set conditions to successfully win WWII. This cent reflects the change (pun intended) that affected us even down to the coins we held in our pockets. I am also of the opinion that steel cents are getting harder and harder to find in nice grades, and I love the older NGC holders. It’s a great coin, in a great holder. My latest endeavor in numismatics was to request a couple of books for Christmas. Here is one I received. It’s really a great book, especially for beginners, that walks you through errors and varieties and tells you which (and what) to look for. A very affordable (IMO) book that I would recommend for those just stepping into this field.
1873 Silver Seated Liberty quarter, I don't have one yet and it would an awesome addition to my continuously expanding collection
As I may have mentioned before, I made a good number of purchases for giveaway when I was at the FUN show. If any of you are interested in some of the newer prize loot, you may take the time to read my long 2025 FUN show report and note any of the purchases posted in there which were specifically earmarked as giveaway goodies. (Not the stuff I bought for my personal collection or any of the $50,000 coins I got to hold. LOL) Additionally. I recently acquired ten pieces of one-ounce World silver bullion coins and silver rounds that are also eligible as prize picks. I mention all this new stuff here, because there is no way I will have time to upload all of it to the Giveaway Gallery in time for the drawing for this contest. But it’s all available for the asking, should you win the drawing.
Again, I'd like the Venezuela 5 Bolivares if I should happen to be picked. Like I said last giveaway... Here's a half dime I recently picked up.
This lower grade but quite wholesome 1818 large cent is a new addition to the Giveaway Gallery. As mentioned, there are quite a lot of newer additions which have not yet made their way there, but the winner of this drawing will have their opportunity to pick through both the existing inventory in the Giveaway Gallery and the new material which is scattered about in various other places, like my FUN show report.
You just did. That Peace dollar is a new addition not yet added to the Giveaway Gallery as of this posting, but it IS an eligible prize option for the winner of the drawing in this giveaway.