Check out these auctions, pretty slick con this guy has going... 1795 $1

Discussion in 'US Coins Forum' started by ratio411, Jan 17, 2015.

  1. ratio411

    ratio411 Active Member

    1795 Flowing Hair Dollar...
    Jan 8: (slabbed XF Details)

    Jan 11: (No slab now, no mention of ED, "Never been cleaned")

    or this next one...

    1794 Cent...

    Jan 11: (slabbed VF Details)

    Jan 12: (Now it's an "AU", no mention of repair)

    Just a heads up on a 'slick' seller.
    His eBay handle was previously "josep.crous"
    From Louisville, Kentucky

    His auctions also had a shill bidder, but those bids have been withdrawn after it was pointed out on another coin board...
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  3. -jeffB

    -jeffB Greshams LEO Supporter

    Yep, pretty slick -- he's found a way to buy a coin for $480 and sell it for $360, minus fees. :)

    I'm happy to see him keep it up for as long as he can stand it!
    mark_h and miedbe7 like this.
  4. bkozak33

    bkozak33 Collector

    He says he likes to keep his coins raw, but shows photos of graded coins
    Tater likes this.
  5. bkozak33

    bkozak33 Collector

    They sold to his shill account on both of them. He will relist them till he gets his price
    ratio411 likes this.
  6. miedbe7

    miedbe7 Wayward Collector

    this guy seems like an idiot
  7. Mainebill

    Mainebill Bethany Danielle

    I wonder if ncs could do anything with that dollar wish I could see in hand
  8. -jeffB

    -jeffB Greshams LEO Supporter

    Hmm. That cent auction says "This listing was ended by the seller because the item was sold." That's a bit different from "sold for $360", even though $360 is listed as the "winning bid". Looks like he might have pulled the plug on the auction... although last I checked, if you end an auction early, you're on the hook to sell to whoever has the high bid when you end it.
  9. bkozak33

    bkozak33 Collector

    Yes, he sold it to himself. Then you cancel the order and try again.
  10. Vegas Vic

    Vegas Vic Undermedicated psychiatric patient

    But he said they were raw because that's how he likes his coins.
  11. PennyGuy

    PennyGuy US and CDN Copper

    rzage likes this.
  12. -jeffB

    -jeffB Greshams LEO Supporter

  13. ratio411

    ratio411 Active Member

    I hope it's true that he isn't finding anyone to buy them. That's great news.

    Some of his other items are obviously cleaned "detail" coins too, but they aren't as 'in your face' as these 2 attempts.
  14. Vegas Vic

    Vegas Vic Undermedicated psychiatric patient

    I love that he doesn't even "risk" cracking them out first.
  15. JPeace$

    JPeace$ Coinaholic

    I just asked the seller a question:

    "Why did you buy an XF Details coin at Heritage Auction, crack it out and list it on eBay as a problem free coin?"

    I'll be interested to see if I get a response.
    ratio411 likes this.
  16. ratio411

    ratio411 Active Member

    I'm guessing he didn't have the beans to give you a response?
  17. JPeace$

    JPeace$ Coinaholic

    So far, you are correct. I've received nothing, nadda, scratch, zip, zippo, zilch!
  18. rzage

    rzage What Goes Around Comes Around .

    I love that he lost money . Maybe it's karma .
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