binary radar flipper repeater fancy serial number?? advice appreiated

Discussion in 'Paper Money' started by bryantallard, Nov 23, 2012.

  1. tbudwiser

    tbudwiser Active Member

    So bonniview's note is a 7 integer serial then.:yes: Either way, it's a near solid and a nice find.:thumb:
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  3. rickmp

    rickmp Frequently flatulent.

    Zero is also an integer.
  4. tbudwiser

    tbudwiser Active Member

    I stand corrected.:eek:

  5. funkee

    funkee Tender, Legal

    I almost forgot. The Nationals are the only small size type that had less than 8 digits normally.
  6. funkee

    funkee Tender, Legal

    Sadly it is not... yet. None of the ones I posted there are my own. You are correct about the FRBN. It is a 5 figure note.
  7. ikandiggit

    ikandiggit Currency Error Collector

    Zeros count.

    Also, "1"s don't count in flippers (rotators).

    This note below (which I just pulled out of the till a couple of minutes ago), is a radar but not a flipper because the "1"s don't count.


    The note the op has isn't a flipper. It would have to be the same upside down as right side up. Thus- 86688998. Also called a rotator.
  8. redwin117

    redwin117 Junior Member

    YES! YOU are really CORRECT!, I DO NOT COUNT ZERO BUT IT DEPENDS ON THE NUMBER POSITION ON A NOTE! Like Seven's of 2 , 22222220, SEE! BUT WHEN IT COMES TO MONEY! of COURSE! I LOVE TO COUNTS all the ZERO's after the NUMBER like this! $ 1,000,000.00 SEE ONE MILLION. Dollars! 0001 is Just only Number 1 ( ONE) :)
  9. redwin117

    redwin117 Junior Member

  10. ikandiggit

    ikandiggit Currency Error Collector

    To me, 22222220 is close but no cigar. I'd keep it but I wouldn't pay anything extra for it.
  11. rickmp

    rickmp Frequently flatulent.

    I don't count 7s. In fact, I actually erase every 7 from every note that passes through my hands.
  12. clayirving

    clayirving Supporter**

    It's all made up when people try to turn a sequence of numbers into something special. Heck, I even know a guy who likes serial number "12".
  13. bonniview

    bonniview Active Member

    Scan_Pic0003.jpg Rick your killin me! :dead-horse: Remind me to keep this one away from you.
  14. redwin117

    redwin117 Junior Member

    WHO SAID THAT 7 Digits is really HARD TO FIND? The way I count this NOTE is SEVEN DIGIT! AU 8111118 << SEVEN DIGITs! <<< RIGHT! I Know is not AMERICAN NOTE but AUSSIE! :)
  15. rickmp

    rickmp Frequently flatulent.

    That's one I'd turn into a low numbered note. (93)
  16. DM1

    DM1 Active Member

    On ebay, all serials are special and rare....even "erased 7" notes.
  17. clayirving

    clayirving Supporter**


    Your wish is granted.
  18. bonniview

    bonniview Active Member

    Now i'd really be impressed if you superimpose rick's avatar where washington's portrait is.
  19. rickmp

    rickmp Frequently flatulent.

    Thank you Clay and Bonniview.
  20. tbudwiser

    tbudwiser Active Member

    I'm still waiting to see that $1 with Rick's avatar on it.:D
  21. clayirving

    clayirving Supporter**

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