As low as silver is right now.

Discussion in 'Bullion Investing' started by Detecto92, Apr 15, 2013.

  1. Detecto92

    Detecto92 Well-Known Member

    Silver dollars are worth $18 (there is always a premium with them it seems like though, so I doubt you can buy that cheap).
    Halves are worth $8.41
    Quarters are worth $4.21
    Dimes, $1.69

    If silver goes to $15 an oz.

    Silver Dollars. $11.60
    Half Dollars. $5.43
    Quarters $2.71
    Dimes $1.09

    If silver drops to $10.

    Silver dollars $7.73

    Half Dollars $3.62

    Quarters $1.81

    Dimes $0.72

    If my job holds up and silver drops to $18 or less an oz, I might do a little buying!
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  3. ratio411

    ratio411 Active Member

    I haven't bought silver for the sake of buying silver since it passed $16 an ounce.
    Remember that around the millenium it was $4-5 an ounce... That wasn't too long ago in the scheme of things.
  4. Rassi

    Rassi #GoCubs #FlyTheW #WeAreGood

    The millennium seems so long ago... I can remember around that time buying gas for $0.74/gal...
  5. vtvick777

    vtvick777 Member

    Will you be employed tomorrow, LOL.

    I placed an order for a roll of silver eagles at JM Bullion about 2 weeks ago. Nothing worse than being down $70 on a $620 order before even receiving the coins!
  6. Detecto92

    Detecto92 Well-Known Member

    I don't buy pm to turn a profit on it. It's too risky. I suppose the people who bought into it 10-40 years ago did okay. But what goes up must come down.

    I buy silver just so I can have silver. I try to buy when it "tanks".
  7. Detecto92

    Detecto92 Well-Known Member

    By the way, where is a decent place to buy coin silver online?
  8. vtvick777

    vtvick777 Member

    Hmm, that assumes that the underlying fundamentals remain constant. If you truly believed that then I would recommend you short Berkshire Hathaway, it has about $100,000 per share on the downside just to get back to what it was at the turn of the millennium.

    So did you just pick silver arbitrarily? That seems to be quite an expensive thing to own, just to own it.
  9. Tinpot

    Tinpot Well-Known Member

    I doubt you will ever be able to get silver dollars for less than $15-$20 again no matter how low the price of silver goes.
  10. FryDaddyJr

    FryDaddyJr Junior Member

    if you don't know, how much silver do you really buy?
  11. Detecto92

    Detecto92 Well-Known Member

    I buy locally, but when pm's tanks, the local places always sit on it, and won't sell it for any loss.
  12. FryDaddyJr

    FryDaddyJr Junior Member

    goldmart, provident, apmex
  13. Detecto92

    Detecto92 Well-Known Member

    Also, if I buy using paper check/money order, and the price goes up when they receive it, will they deny my order?
  14. FryDaddyJr

    FryDaddyJr Junior Member

    no, your order is locked in when you pay. also means you can't whine if it keeps going down
  15. yakpoo

    yakpoo Member

    ...don't forget about your phone bill.
  16. Forkeh

    Forkeh New Member

    I think I'm going to play the see how low it goes game. If it drops ridiculously, I might make a sizable investment, because I think it's bound to climb up some eventually. But otherwise I'm not going to go nuts trying to buy low and sell high.
  17. FryDaddyJr

    FryDaddyJr Junior Member

    if it's going to climb anyway what have you got to lose?
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