Featured A world tour - post the next country.

Discussion in 'World Coins' started by sakata, Aug 27, 2017.

  1. Muzyck

    Muzyck Rabbits!

    France - 5 Francs, 1960

    France 5 Francs 1960 obv B.jpg
    France 5 Francs 1960 rev B.jpg
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  3. MontCollector

    MontCollector Well-Known Member

    France to Belgium 1869Belgium.jpg
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  4. Muzyck

    Muzyck Rabbits!

    Netherlands - 25 Cents, 1918

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  5. Siberian Man

    Siberian Man Senior Member

    63.jpg 64.jpg
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  6. coin_nut

    coin_nut Well-Known Member

    1990 Germany 2 marks 1990 DE 2 m obv.JPG 1990 DE-F 2 m rev.JPG
  7. DEA

    DEA Well-Known Member

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  8. coin_nut

    coin_nut Well-Known Member

    Yes, correct. 12 pence to a shilling. The coin is what it is, 1/12 of a shilling. For example, I have a couple of 1/4 penny South African coins. I know that would equal a farthing, however I just let them be what it says on the coin.
    Muzyck and DEA like this.
  9. DEA

    DEA Well-Known Member

    Let's head north to Denmark with this 1962 25-ore piece (KM 850).

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  10. coin_nut

    coin_nut Well-Known Member

    1945 Sweden 10 ore 1945 SE 10 o obv.JPG 1945 SE 10 o rev.JPG
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  11. DEA

    DEA Well-Known Member

    Next - the Land of the Fins! Finland! Suomi! Let me see your Baltic and Hanseatic coins. Please.

  12. coin_nut

    coin_nut Well-Known Member

    1995 F Germany 2 pfennig 1995 DE-F 2 p obv.JPG 1995 DE-F 2 p rev.JPG
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  13. Muzyck

    Muzyck Rabbits!

    Funny, for all of these years I have been collecting and it has been a long time, I never attempted to try and understand the British system. ;)
  14. DEA

    DEA Well-Known Member

    It's rather easy but also easy to forget if one doesn't use it frequently. Now I just remember . . .
    • farthing (1/4 penny)
    • halfpenny (duh)
    • penny (double duh)
    • groat (four-pence)
    • shilling (12-pence)
    • and pound (240-pence - or 20 shillings)
    There are more between shilling and a pound (florin, crown, maybe something else) but I forget how many pence each is. I've got it written down somewhere on an index card but I can't seem to find it, which is the norm.

    EDIT & ADDITION - I just remembered that a guinea is 21 shillings. I read something recently that said guineas are used to price horses. I don't remember why that is done; maybe it didn't say.
    Muzyck likes this.
  15. DEA

    DEA Well-Known Member

    I feel like a trip to Poland. Second Republic (1918-39). A 1923 10-groszy (Y 11).

    coin_nut likes this.
  16. coin_nut

    coin_nut Well-Known Member

    1943 Denmark 25 ore zink 1943 DK 25 o obv.JPG 1943 DK 25 o rev.JPG
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  17. DEA

    DEA Well-Known Member

    From Denmark to Sweden with a 1983-U five-kronor (KM 853). Carl XVI Gustaf is the reigning king of the kingdom.

  18. Muzyck

    Muzyck Rabbits!

    Finland - 10 Markkaa, 1975 Kekkonen

    Finland 10 Markkaa 1975 Kekkonen KM54 obverse.jpg
    Finland 10 Markkaa 1975 Kekkonen KM54 reverse.jpg
    coin_nut and DEA like this.
  19. coin_nut

    coin_nut Well-Known Member

    2019 Russia 5 rubles 2019 RU 5 r obv.JPG 2019 RU 5 r rev.JPG
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  20. bart

    bart Senior Member

    Kazakhstan 50 tenge Altyn Kyran order 50-tenge-2006-altyn-kyran-order (2).jpg 50-tenge-2006-altyn-kyran-order_ (2).jpg
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  21. coin_nut

    coin_nut Well-Known Member

    Kyrgzstan 2008 3 som 2008 KG 3 s obv.JPG 2008 KG 3 s rev.JPG
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