Featured A world tour - post the next country.

Discussion in 'World Coins' started by sakata, Aug 27, 2017.

  1. coin_nut

    coin_nut Well-Known Member

    Back to India then, 1724 Hyderabad Feudatory AE paisa, Elichpur 1724 Hyderabad 1 p obv (2).JPG 1724 Hyderabad 1 p rev (2).JPG
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  3. Muzyck

    Muzyck Rabbits!

    China Sinkiang 1 Miscal, AH1322 1903

    China Sinkiang 1 Miscal AH1322 1903 obv B.jpg
    China Sinkiang 1 Miscal AH1322 1903 rev B.jpg
    TuckHard and coin_nut like this.
  4. coin_nut

    coin_nut Well-Known Member

    1829 Russia 1 kopek 1829 RU 1 k obv.JPG 1829 RU 1 k rev.JPG
    DEA, Siberian Man and TuckHard like this.
  5. Muzyck

    Muzyck Rabbits!

    Poland - 5 Fenigow, 1917

    Poland 5 Fenigow 1917 obv.jpg
    Poland 5 Fenigow 1917 rev.jpg
    DEA, Siberian Man and TuckHard like this.
  6. coin_nut

    coin_nut Well-Known Member

    1951 Germany 5 marks 1951 DE-F 5 m rev.JPG 1951 DE-J 5 m obv.JPG
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  7. coin_nut

    coin_nut Well-Known Member

    Stalled out for a couple days. Here is a 1733 Zeeland - Netherlands - 2 stuiver 1733 Z 2 s obv.JPG 1733 Z 2 s rev.JPG
    TuckHard likes this.
  8. Muzyck

    Muzyck Rabbits!

    England - Penny Henry III, 1216 - 1272. Canterbury

    Great Britain Penny Henry III Canterbury 1216 1272 AD obv.jpg
    Great Britain Penny Henry III Canterbury 1216 1272 AD rev A.jpg
    DEA, Siberian Man and TuckHard like this.
  9. coin_nut

    coin_nut Well-Known Member

    1915 Belgium 5 centimes - zink 1915 BE 5 c obv.JPG 1915 BE 5 c rev.JPG
    TuckHard likes this.
  10. Muzyck

    Muzyck Rabbits!

    France, Ville De Besancon - 10 Cent. 1917

    France Ville De Besancon 10 Cent 1917 rev.jpg
    France Ville De Besancon 10 Cent 1917 obv.jpg
  11. TuckHard

    TuckHard Well-Known Member

    France -> Belgium
    1944 CE 2 Francs Allied Occupation 1 Combined.jpg
    Allied Occupation of Belgium
    1944 CE
    2 Francs
    Minted on planchet of US 1943 steel cent​
    DEA and Siberian Man like this.
  12. coin_nut

    coin_nut Well-Known Member

    1939 Netherlands 2 1/2 gulden 1939 NL 2 1-2 g obv.JPG 1939 NL 2 1-2 g rev.JPG
    DEA and TuckHard like this.
  13. TuckHard

    TuckHard Well-Known Member

    Netherlands -> England
    1689 (circa) Rose Farthing Pattern Mary II Combined.jpg
    Kingdom of England
    Mary II
    Circa 1689 CE
    So-called Rose Farthing Pattern
    Possibly unique gilded example​
    DEA and coin_nut like this.
  14. coin_nut

    coin_nut Well-Known Member

    1948 France 1 franc 1948 FR 1 f obv.JPG 1948 FR 1 f rev.JPG
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  15. bart

    bart Senior Member

    Switzerland 20 francs 1991 - 700 years of confederation switzerland 1991 (2).jpg switzerland 1991- (2).jpg
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  16. TuckHard

    TuckHard Well-Known Member

    Switzerland -> Italy
    1694-1727 CE BI 10 Soldi Francesco I KM#28 3.80g 23mm S1 Combined.png
    Duchy of Piacenza
    Francesco I
    1694-1727 CE
    Billon 10 Soldi | 3.80g | 23mm
    DEA, Siberian Man and bart like this.
  17. coin_nut

    coin_nut Well-Known Member

    1948 France 10 francs 1948 FR 10 f obv (2).JPG 1948 FR 10 f rev (2).JPG
  18. TuckHard

    TuckHard Well-Known Member

    France -> Ireland
    1946 CE Half Pingin Combined.jpg
    1946 CE
    Half Pingin​
  19. coin_nut

    coin_nut Well-Known Member

    1902 GB 1 crown 1902 GB 1 cr obv.JPG 1902 GB 1 cr rev.JPG
    Siberian Man and TuckHard like this.
  20. Muzyck

    Muzyck Rabbits!

    Jersey - One Twelfth of a Shilling, 1888

    Jersey One Twelth Shilling 1888 obverse A.jpg
    Jersey One Twelth Shilling 1888 reverse A.jpg
    DEA, Siberian Man and TuckHard like this.
  21. Siberian Man

    Siberian Man Senior Member

    41.jpg 42.jpg
    DEA likes this.
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