2007-D Idaho Quarter Error

Discussion in 'Error Coins' started by coinage 10, Dec 19, 2007.

  1. coinage 10

    coinage 10 New Member

    I’m not too familiar with the minting process used on state quarters. There’s a coin that looks exactly like the one I found on E-Bay described as an “Orange Peel Double Die” (starting bid $49.95). Anyone have an idea on the nature of the doubling here?

    Thanks, A.J.

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  3. gxseries

    gxseries Coin Collector

    Nice catch - seems like you got something there.
  4. Daggarjon

    Daggarjon Supporter**

    :thumb: lets hope so. i cant see any serrif splits, but i have a hard time with that anyway.
    Nice find if it is!!!
  5. Speedy

    Speedy Researching Coins Supporter

    This is normal Die Fatigue.
    The orange peel affect also points to this but the look of the letter, the flat, lifeless, machine doubling look, to the letters mean that this coin was struck with worn out dies.

    This doesn't add any value to the coin---but as you have found, some people try to rip new collectors off on ebay....

  6. Treashunt

    Treashunt The Other Frank

    What Speedy said.
    Don't always listen to the silly prices on ebay.
  7. coinage 10

    coinage 10 New Member

    Although I wasn’t sure, the coin didn’t appear like a doubled die to me. Yeah, I thought it could be due to a worn die as well, but clad coins always seem more difficult (at least for me). Thanks for the input.

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