1988A $1 from an uncut sheet?

Discussion in 'Paper Money' started by Magman, Dec 8, 2011.

  1. Magman

    Magman U.S. Money Collector

    I received a tip today which consisted of $3. One of those dollars is this:
    Series 1988A, Serial Number: C99875337A

    It feels fairly thin compared to a normal note, which is why I noticed it at first, then I noticed it was older and had a rather high serial number.

    thanks guys :D
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  3. rickmp

    rickmp Frequently flatulent.

  4. CCMint

    CCMint Tempus fugit

    I wonder why someone would buy an uncut sheet and then cut it.
  5. rickmp

    rickmp Frequently flatulent.

    Fell on hard times?
    Stole it and needed to cash in?
    Many reasons.
  6. CCMint

    CCMint Tempus fugit

    idunno.png Maybe it was me...
  7. Magman

    Magman U.S. Money Collector

    OK cool, thanks.
    I figured it was, but wasn't too sure.
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