Hey there everybody, first off, this whole doubled die searching has gotten much better now that I know more of what to look for, but, I just found a 1982 DDR, with all the right die scratches that it's supposed to have (according to Wexler's description of the 1982 DDR1). But, also, I read that there has only been two of these found so far, is it true that it's that rare? Because, this coin is in pretty darn good condition, so, I was just wondering if anyone had an idea about the value of it. I'll try to get good pics for everyone, including pics of the die scratches that show that it's the real deal. If the pics aren't good enough for everyone to see what I'm talking about, I guess could I get some feedback on it, assuming I am right about it? Thanks everyone. Ok, so, now after doing the pics, can I say, like usual, they pretty much suck. I think I did a good job of catching the marker at the T in CENT, the two on the N in ONE are there as well, not as easy to see, so, opinions? Thanks
Yeah, my pictures aren't that great, but, according to Wexler's site, there are 4 different die chips or scratches to look for for this DDR. I can see all four of them. Although, the scratches that go through the Lincoln monument are somewhat hard to say that they are die scratches as opposed to PMD, to my not so trained eye.
So, I cant say for sure that the scratches on the statue aren't pmd. But, I can say with pretty confident accuracy that the die chips, I think they're called, are definitely there. I mean, if those all match up perfectly, that has to be the right one, right? I mean, I also see the doubling as well, but, getting hub doubling mixed up with machine doubling is still something that I could do. But, if all the markers match up, that's pretty solid evidence that it's the right one, right?
IMO...you should send it Wexler and see if he agrees with your assessment of the coin. sometimes the mind see what it wants to see. happens to me all the time. I see rim cuds that just aren't there :-(
I know this is probably a bummer, but your cent is a large date. The ddr for 82 ddr-001 is a small date.
Hahaha, that's an easy way to tell, mine is a large date, also, idk how I missed this to begin with, but, the scratches in mine clearly go from NE to SW, and I just looked at the pic on Wexler's and those are NW to SE. Alrighty everybody, sorry for the false alarm. But, I do appreciate everyone's input, I do wish I could take better pics right now, because, this coins reverse really does look doubled to me.