1946 Silver Nickel?

Discussion in 'Error Coins' started by modelgiuseppe, Oct 13, 2012.

  1. modelgiuseppe

    modelgiuseppe Member

    I have a 1946 Nickel that has similar black tarnish on it that my wartime nickels have. I was wondering if anyone knows how to test this nickel to see if it really is a silver nickel?

    Thanks in advance
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  3. Doug21

    Doug21 Coin Hoarder

  4. modelgiuseppe

    modelgiuseppe Member

    I thought nickels wartime or not all weighed the same 5 grams
  5. Kirkuleez

    Kirkuleez 80 proof

    Weighing it wouldn't work in this case, they both weigh 5.00 grams.
  6. Doug21

    Doug21 Coin Hoarder

    OK, I thought there would be a difference
  7. Kirkuleez

    Kirkuleez 80 proof

    You would need to go to a jeweler or pawn shop that has on of those ray guns that can make out the metal composition.
  8. modelgiuseppe

    modelgiuseppe Member

    I kind of figured that, i was hoping for some kind of home remedy
  9. Kirkuleez

    Kirkuleez 80 proof

    Not very accurate, but you can always drop it on the table and do the ring test.
  10. modelgiuseppe

    modelgiuseppe Member

    I found a jeweler that willing to test it i'm going to bring it to them in a couple of hours
  11. Kirkuleez

    Kirkuleez 80 proof

    Make sure that you let us know how it turns out. And we want photos!
  12. Hobo

    Hobo Squirrel Hater

    A specific gravity test can determine the composition of your coin.
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  13. Detecto92

    Detecto92 Well-Known Member

    I wish you luck, although there ARE 1946 silver nickels, they are VERY rare. There are only 4 known.
  14. bradarv90

    bradarv90 Member

    Could you not use a density test?
  15. Hobo

    Hobo Squirrel Hater

    You must have missed my earlier post.

  16. bradarv90

    bradarv90 Member

    I didn't know specific gravity is density. Today I learned.
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  17. modelgiuseppe

    modelgiuseppe Member

    Ok i went to the jeweler and they couldnt help me but they said it definetly looks tarnished. I did a drop test with the 46 and with one of my war nickels and they sounded similar. I have a friend who owns a pawn shop who works with a guy who owns one of those lasers that tests for metal content so hopefully next week i'll be able to get that done. Here are some pics tell me what you think

    Attached Files:

  18. jloring

    jloring Senior Citizen

    To me, this just looks like a normal '46 with environmental issues. Hopefully, I'll be proven wrong.
  19. FadeToBlack

    FadeToBlack New Member

    Agree 100%, it doesn't have the wear pattern of a war nick. Sorry OP.
  20. Doug21

    Doug21 Coin Hoarder

    doesn't look like a typical warnick from the photo, IMO

    What is a 46 war nickel worth since I guess a few exist ?
  21. Detecto92

    Detecto92 Well-Known Member

    Basically one made from the left over wartime silver alloy planchets.
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