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Mar 26, 2017
Dec 8, 2008
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#16443, from India

Mumbapuri was last seen:
Mar 26, 2017
    1. tholath
      is there any coin collector's club & stamp collector's club in mumbai....
      thanks in advance.
    2. kidromeo
      The trip was fantastic.
      Numismatically, nothing much.
      Found some SBI and Lal Bahudur Shastri (Stainless steel) 5 Rupees coins. I already got the Lal Bahadur Shastri in copper nickel so the steel coin came as surprise. Got only a single new 50p coin in change. Horded almost 50 pieces of 50p and 25p coins for my year/mm set. Haven't checked their dates; hopefully I'll be able to complete my set. Also various commemoratives that I already own. All that is left is checking their mm.
      Also found some currency sigs that I don't have. Thats all.
      Feeling very tired. Gonna wait 1-2 days before sorting all the loot:thumb:.
    3. jaceravone
      Well, I finally got around to doing some research on that coin from the Republica Di San Marino. I found out that it is the third smallest country in the European nations. It has close ties with Italy, but it is a separate country. Who would have ever thought? Here is a link to the Wikipedia site.
      Still don't know any details about the coin though. Still looking.
    4. cherylkubucko
      Thanks Mumbapuri and welcome to Cointalk. I have more to put up but time is not on my side let. Cheryl
    5. Indianhead65
      Thanks for checking out my coin album here on CT. I'm glad you enjoyed looking at them. The Half Dimes I posted are just a few out of my collection but they're the only Bust Half Dimes I have at the moment. I'm currently concentrating on my Half Dime set but decent examples are hard to find. Thanks again for your comments.
    6. spock1k
      anytime you need help just ask :D
    7. spock1k
      nice try but no
    8. jaceravone
      Thank you for you kind words Mumbapuri. The pics are taken with a Cannon SD 870 Powershot. Its just a small camera. I have it mounted on a 12 inch tripod. Sometimes I get great shots and sometimes I don't. So all the pics are downloaded from my camera and not scanned. I give you my word that if I ever find another San Marino coin, I will snag it for you. Like you said, there are a ton of foreign coins over here. The smart collectors grab all the silver first, then go for the rare types. I will keep an eye out for you.
    9. jaceravone
      You know, I would have to agree with you that the coin you pointed out to me is a beautiful coin. Until you pointed it out to me, it would have just stayed in the album. I still need to do some research on it. I should have some of the foreign coin collectors look it up in the world books and tell me more info about it. Thanks again for your kind words.
    10. jaceravone
      New coins up for your viewing pleasure.
    11. jaceravone
      Well, I do love both very much. I am talking to many people right now on what they think is the best set up for taking pics. Everyone has different opinions, but I am trying to find a set up that works. I may have some new coins up for you today.
    12. jaceravone
      Well, if you like MS/UNC coins, then you are going to love the new Australian and Chinese coins that I just got.
    13. jaceravone
      You can lurk all you want, just don't stare too long! LOL! I am going to try and get some new stuff up this weekend.
    14. jaceravone
      Well, I went to upload the pic, and realized that the pic is on my other computer and I am at work now. I will do it tonight.
    15. jaceravone
      That is so funny that you would pick that coin! That is probably the one coin that I know nothing about. I do know that it was one of my very first coins that I got from my grandmother when I was a kid. My grandparents were from Italy, so many of my first coins were either Italian or British. I think this coin is Italian, but possibly from the San Marino Province. Not sure. I haven't had time to do any research on it, but I was planning on doing some soon.
      As far as my AVATAR picture goes, It represents how coin collecting makes me feel..... Makes me want to scream!! I really do appreciate your interest in my albums. That is just a fraction of my collection. Wish I had time to photograph everything..... and I will someday. I hope to get a bunch of more coins uploaded this weekend. I will honor you by putting that coin in my sig line. Of course any comments that you have to make things better, please share. Talk to you later. Joe
    16. kidromeo
      Hey there Mumba....since you are an IT guy, I thought you would find this Coin Talk social group interesting
      Tech Talk
      There are more groups check them out too...:)
    17. jaceravone
      Thanks Mumbapuri, I have seen you around a bit. Welcome. You will find that we have a great bunch of people on here. Thank you for your compliments. I worked really hard on those albums and as you can imagine, they are constantly changing. If I can be of any assistance, just drop me a line. Joe
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    Mainly circulation coins. I dont sell anything and there very lil i can afford to buy.

