Weimar 5 mark, help to id

Discussion in 'World Coins' started by bekiz, Apr 9, 2013.

  1. bekiz

    bekiz Member

    Is it fake, restrike, or real proof?
    drivearea-img600x450-1365324149n3ff3g9286.jpg drivearea-img600x450-1365324149rdeyod9286.jpg
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  3. Raymond Beracha

    Raymond Beracha Active Member

  4. Taxidermist

    Taxidermist Collector of US/IL/RU/DE

    Some restrikes of this 5 RM. got a "999" mark or a year of the restrike. I can't see anything on these photos that would say its a restrike and not an original. To be sure, make sure its silver and also the weight is correct, 25g.

    This would be a very expensive coin, it would make sense slabbing it.
  5. bekiz

    bekiz Member

    here're more pictures of the coin

    as per seller the weight is 25gr, diameter approximately 35mm
    some people raised my doubts regarding the coin with it being restrike ... though no real reasons were provided
  6. chrisild

    chrisild Coin Collector

    As Taxidermist mentioned, there are "restrikes" (not official but third party) of that piece, but those would have to be recognizable - different metal, added year, etc. See here for example. Does not seem to apply here, so this is either genuine or counterfeited. I would not buy a coin like that, say, via eBay. But if it's from a dealer with a good reputation who guarantees the authenticity of what he sells, why not?

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