Old Unidentified coin, any idea what it is?

Discussion in 'What's it Worth' started by coinnewb, Apr 2, 2010.

  1. coinnewb

    coinnewb Junior Member

    I have this old coin; no idea about it really...

    Can anyone shed some light? If it's something, maybe how much it's worth?

    Thanks :)

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  3. Coinman1974

    Coinman1974 Research, Research, Research

    Hi coinnewb,

    I am not fully sure from the pictures but I think I may have found it.

    Take a look at the pictures i have provided and let me know. Also i will need to know the coins dimensions.


    Attached Files:

  4. coinnewb

    coinnewb Junior Member

    Wow that's so close... but there are a bit of oddities. :|

    So.. that's amazing though! :)

    anyway the coins measurements, I have a ruler, more then 2.7cm but less then 3cm..

    The only thing is: on the right side of the picture

    Your picture has an A, while mine has a V.

    Underneath that is a 2, while mine is a 1.
    Then the middle characther is a V while on mine is a 4.

    The P and the 7 are correct though!

    Theres also tons more oddities which I can't really explain but I hopefully this should be enough before I go have to scan it via a pc :)
  5. swhuck

    swhuck Junior Member

    It clearly appears Spanish Colonial, but the pictures are so blurry that it's impossible to tell even if it's an obvious fake.
  6. mpcusa

    mpcusa "Official C.T. TROLL SWEEPER"

    Could you supply some better pic,s ?? Try photobucket.com
  7. coinnewb

    coinnewb Junior Member


    GDJMSP Numismatist Moderator

    The coin is a fake, wrong design & 2 different dates are the obvious points.
  9. coinnewb

    coinnewb Junior Member

    I see the one date, 1730... but where do you see the other one?

    Heh, and what kind of coin is it supposed to be anyway?
  10. GDJMSP

    GDJMSP Numismatist Moderator

    It's supposed to be a Spanish colonial 8 escudos, which is gold not silver, struck at the Lima Peru mint. The second date is the 741, which is where the date is supposed to be to begin with. Only the silver coins, the reales, used the double dates (one on the edge and one in the center) like this coin shows - but the dates matched, they were never different.
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